Chapter 16

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Roman and Diana know that their relationship with David and Victor is definitely strained and they brace for the attack. They know they fucked up.

Mia goes to David's home. David and Victor have just returned from their shift. Mia barges in and jumps into David. She cries out loud and both Victor and David have a tough time consoling her. She sleeps off on in David's arms crying her eyes out. He places her on his bed and comes out.

By then Roman and Diana have also come.

" Why the fuck is Muffin crying" asks a clearly pissed David. Victor looks at Diana with no emotion

" David please calm down..." says Roman

" Tell me what happened?" says David

" Dominic rejected when Mia proposed to him" says Roman

David is furious and his eyes turns blood shot red. He keeps staring at Roman and Diana.

" What did you people tell Dominic?" asks Victor

" We.... We didn't say anything" says Diana meekly

" Why?" asks David

" Well... I... We" stutters Diana

"One job Fucking one job we have you both and this is what you guys do. You made that girl cry and you didn't even stand up for her you assholes. Get the fuck out of my house" screams David

" Dav..." Roman says in a strained voice

" Don't Ro! just don't. Dominic doesn't get to break her heart. That girl was already broken and we worked our arse off to mend her back he has no Fucking right to break it again. You both are fucking useless. Just get out before I go insane and strangle you both" says David and walks off

" Vic.." says Diana

" Why? Why would you do that? Why didn't you fight for her? Are you jealous of her?" asks Victor

" What are you saying Vic? Why will I be jealous of her? I love her equally"
says Diana crying

" I think you both are jealous because we both love Mia. For God sake she's a kid and I don't think you guys should compete with her. The love we have for you is different than we have for her" screams Vic

" Vic I think you got it all wrong. You are hurt and your thoughts are hurting us. Please don't say things" pleads Roman

Victor scoffs and walks off.

Dominic reaches home and breaks down. He loves Mia so much that it hurt him to reject her. He felt like dying when she was trying to tell that she was not used by Vaughan. He was so angry on himself to have walked out on her. He cries himself to sleep.

Grayson gets to know about the whole thing from Mia when she comes home. He feels bad for Mia and hugs her and cries with her.

Next day David and Victor are in Grayson's office.

" Are you both sure?" asks Grayson again

Dominic, Roman and Diana have pleaded with them to change their decision. Dominic knows that this was all his fault.

" Alright David and Victor you guys can start working for the different unit and you are no longer associated with Dom's unit" says Grayson

David and Victor salute Grayson and without a backward glance walk out of the office.

Dominic, Roman and Diana are broken

" I assume what you did you did with a solid reason behind it Dom" says Grayson sternly.

Dominic nods and walks out. When he comes out he sees Mia talking to David and Victor. She looks so fragile and breakable and this makes Dominic to hate himself more.

Mia sees Dominic and gives him a weak smile and walks away. David feels atleast now Dominic should go apologise to her and make it up to her. He keeps staring at Dom and Dom doesn't move an inch.

It's been days that Mia waits for Dominic to talk to her but he doesn't. It becomes too much for Mia.

" Dad is it possible to shift me somewhere else. I know it's difficult but can you please. I feel like a stupid proposing to Dominic dad. What the hell was I thinking? Why would he be interested in a girl like me" says Mia and cries. Grayson hugs her tight and they stay like that for a long time.

David and Victor hear it and their anger towards Dominic increases.

" Mia did you pack all your stuffs?" asks Rose helping her close her suitcase.

Grayson and Rose pulled few favours and Mia was admitted to the Prestigious Army college in one of the far away places.

" Yes! I have" says Mia and hugs Rose.

David and Victor drop by and take her out for breakfast one last time before she goes away to another college. They have a good time. Before departing Mia hugs both of them and cries. They kiss her and she tells them not to come to drop her at the airport since it will be too much ch for her.

They agree and they go to her place and help her with the cab and load her suitcase.

David and Victor can't take it anymore they drive towards Dominic's place. Roman and Diana are also there.

David barges in and starts to punch Dominic

" You bastard! Are you happy now that you sent her away!" screams David

" What the fuck are you talking?" yells Dominic

Roman and Victor have pulled David apart from Dominic

" She has transferred herself to another college and another city. Are you happy now Dominic" asks Victor sarcastically

" Stop it just stop it! I know I fucked up! I had no other choice. The day she proposed I got a message to reject her else they would shoot her. I have been getting threats to get away from her that's why I did what I did" says Dominic wiping the blood from his lips.

" Dom!! We are built to protect! We are the Elite team force! We would lay our lives out for Mia man. You didn't have to do what you did" says David and walks out so does Victor

Dominic rushes to Grayson's house and pleads him to tell him where she is. Initially he doesn't but finally he says she is on the way to the airport.

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