Chapter 26

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They order for some pizzas and cokes. Mia is settled between Dom's legs and has his hand wrapped around her. He inhales her fragrance and sighs. He keeps showering her with kisses through the dinner. He kisses her shoulders, inside of her palm, her head, her cheeks, her ears. None of it is sexual it's his way of loving her and keeping her close.

The next day Mia helps Dom in packing his bag. Di, Vic, Ro and Dav are ready and waiting in the car for Mia and Dom.

Both of them come out in sometime and Mia is pushed between Ro and Dav. Diana takes the wheels and Dom is in the passanger seat. Vic follows them in his bike

They drive towards the air strip. Dom keeps looking at Mia through the rear  view mirror. Mia is busy talking to David and Roman.

Roman and David see Dom being scared for the first time in his life.

They arrive at the air strip and they all get down and walk towards the plane.

Grayson is already waiting for them. Grayson is more scared then Dom and it's clearly visible on his face.

All of them walk towards Grayson and stand in a line facing him.

" At ease" says Grayson.

" The place you people are going to go is hell on Earth. Be very careful about your surroundings. You will be living in a bunker far into the desert.

We have got an Intel that the stolen arms from the Defense is being smuggled to the terrorists. You will stop the exchange and try to bring back atleast one terrorist for interrogation. All of you need to be very careful and always look out for each other" says Grayson

Everyone start walking towards the plane. Mia turns around and runs back to Grayson

" Dad! I don't know what's bothering you but I will come back finishing this Operation and you are telling me what's wrong. Even if it means that my past has come back to haunt me" says Mia and hugs Grayson tight.

Grayson hugs her tightly and kisses her head. He looks towards Dom and his crew they all nod back to him promising him to keep Mia safe.

Mia goes inside the plane and takes a seat next to Dom.

" Soilders! We heard Green Man telling us about the situation. We break in retrieve the arms. Kill all except the main guy and walk out. I need everyone to come back alive and kicking. Ms. Grayson you will always be with either one of us. You will not venture out alone under no circumstances. I am clear" says Grayson sternly

" Yes Sir!" shout back everyone.

The pilot announces that they are nearing the destination and they all should get ready to jump off the plane .

The first to jump is Diana followed by David then Roman then Victor. Dom turns to Mia pulls her for a strong rough kiss and jumps out with her.

All of them land safely and quickly pack their parachute. There's one of their men waiting for them. It's night now and he leads them to thier bunkers.

The bunker looks pretty descent compared to the orther bunkers that they stayed at.

The bunker has a 4 rooms, kitchen, hall and bathroom.

Mia and Dom occupy one room, Vic and Di the other, Ro and Dav the thrid one. They put all they luggages in the last room.

They all freshen up and eat whatever is there in the fridge. The fridge is well stocked up. They all retire for the night.

Dom pulls Mia closer to him. He puts his hand and leg on her and pulls her impossibility closer to him. Mia smiles and snuggles into his warm chest. Dom sighs and places his head on her head and drifts into a peaceful sleep.

Dom keeps getting up at equal intervals of time at night just to make sure everything is fine. He even gets up and goes out to see if all his team is safe as well.

Everyone get up early in the morning. Mia has woken up much before everyone and has made them breakfast and coffee.

Roman is the first to come. He kisses Mia and goes for the coffe. Next is Victor, Di and David they all kiss her and take up the coffee.

They fill their plates with sandwiches and eggs. Mia also takes her coffee and breakfast and sits on the stool.

Dom comes out last dressed up sharp and pulls Mia for a toe curling kiss on her lips. He kisses her forehead and goes to have his breakfast and coffee.

" Today Roman and I will venture into the market. David and Victor scout the area and see for possible hiding places. Diana and Mia will stay back and keep hacking into their system to tracker their movements. Stay safe and look out for each other" says Dom looking at Mia fiercely.

Everyone go on their way. Dom kisses Mia and asks her to be safe

" I love you Mia. Please be safe" says Dom and walks away with Roman.

Mia and Diana open the system and start to work on it. After hours of frustration Mia hits on the target. She squeaks in happiness.

Diana is giving all the boys updates. Specially to Dom regarding Mia.

Roman and Dom collect a lot of information and come back. Both of them are sure to attract attention. They wanted it, so that the thugs come in search of them.

David and Victor scout the area and find many hidden places. They need to use it to there advantage in case of an attack.

Dom keeps replaying the scenes with Rogue. He knows that Rogue wants to get to Mia at any cost. He doesn't understand Rogue's obsession with Mia since Rogue could get any girl. Dom knows there's something more to all this and Mia is into more trouble and it's just not Rogue.

Dom is fanatic and decides to talk to Mia today. He wants everyone to ask Mia questions about her life so that Mia can think and say something that would at least give them something about her life and why is Rogue behind her.

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