Chapter 3: Followed

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Note: I underlined parts that are on the phone. Most italicized are thoughts.

Angel was on her way to school. She took the long way today so she could have more time to daydream. She walked along with a huge grin on her face - thinking of her night with Jungkook. She thought friends were overrated, but now she realizes how good it feels to have one - especially a friend as cute as Jungkook. He really came along when she needed one. Thinking of him made her smile grow wider and wider until she resembled the Cheshire cat from 'Alice in Wonderland'. 

As she went along her route she was being followed by the dark-haired guy. As usual, she didn't notice because her mind was preoccupied.

He decided that today was the day that he would courageously approach her. "I can do this. It's now or never!" He psyched himself up and took a few deep breaths. "This is it." He began jogging to catch up with her. 

"Hi Ang--" 

"Hello?" She answered her cellphone just when he reached her.  

He didn't hear her phone ring. He couldn't hear anything other than his breaths and loud heartbeat. He slowed down his pace and walked with his head downcast in disappointment. He took a breathy sigh and stayed close enough behind her to listen to her phone call. She was completely oblivious to his presence.

The call was from a phone number that she didn't recognize but she answered anyway out of curiosity.

"Hey, guess who?" The male on the phone chuckled.


"Yep. The one and only."

"Oh my God you are cocky

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"Oh my God you are cocky... and annoying." She rolls her eyes, but her lips curl up into a slight grin.

"I admit it's true. And I think you like it!"Angel's face turns crimson due to the sensual inflection in his voice. She can imagine the smirk on his face. 

"You're blushing, aren't you?" He chuckles.

"NO!" She shakes her head side to side vigorously as if he could see her. She feigned agitation in her tone to hide the fact that she was completely flustered. The only thing saving her was that he couldn't actually see her face. 

"Why are you calling and how did you get my number?"

"Hmm... because I want to. And I got your number from your phone after you fell asleep."

"Oh, I see." She understands. "Why did you all of a sudden want to be friends with me?"

"Because you seem to need a friend."

"I don't need any friends. I especially don't need a cocky boy like you as a friend... I'm going to school. Goodbye Jungkook." She ends the call and continues on her way to school. On the outside it appears that she doesn't want to deal with him, but her stomach is tied in knots. She is lying to herself. She does want to talk to him, but is conflicted because she is afraid of opening up to someone.

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