Chapter 20: Dimples

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Each night, a few times a night, the nursing staff check on the patients to make sure they are sleeping comfortably in bed. If not, the nurses help them into bed. They also check the patients' health condition.

When they checked on Angel, they found her sleeping on the floor in the corner of the room. She was still curled into a ball and had evidently cried herself to sleep and was shivering. This saddened the nurses. Both frowned, as they made eye contact, having a silent conversation. 

They made sure to tuck her into bed giving her extra blankets.

"Let's be sure to pay her some special attention until she adjusts to the environment. She needs to feel people care about her," one staff says while the other nods her head in agreement. "She deserves better than the cards she has been dealt. It's not fair." 

Tears threatened to fall from both nurses' eyes as they leave her room to visit the next patient.


The next day, Namjoon visited Angel's room to explain the medicine she will take each day.

Angel didn't like the idea of medications. She was very apprehensive. Her eyes widened and brows raised when she saw the medications tray. "Doc, these are a lot of pills. I might forget to take some of these." 

Namjoon chuckled. "Don't worry Angel, we will give you the right dose. I will explain everything..." That was all Angel heard of his explanation because she focused on Namjoon's dimples. She really liked how deep they were. She bit her bottom lip while staring at his lips.

They are beautiful.

His smile is so amazing.

How can someone so handsome be so smart.

I really want to touch his lips - NO. I want to feel his dimples.

"Angel! STOP!" Namjoon raised his voice to get her attention. 

Now that she is out of her daydream, she sees Namjoon trying to dodge her index fingers that are going for his dimples. She immediately pulls her hands away and places them on her lap. She held her head down in embarrassment. 

"Angel let's finish this consultation the next time. The nurses will start bringing the pills tonight. Don't worry about the dimple thing. Keep your head up, kid. It's alright." She nods. He ruffles her hair before leaving the room.


Some days later:

After staring at her unappetizing lunch for thirty minutes, she hears a knock at the door. Thinking it was Doctor Kim she says, "Come in" without looking up. She is surprised when the door swings open.

"H-hi A-angel." He says while holding a small bouquet of flowers. "I saw these in the gift shop and thought you might like them." She smiled as she took them, face pink with blush.

"Thank you, Jin. They are beautiful." Angel states as she smells the flowers.

"I have another surprise for you." He hands her a 7-11 bag. "Here."

When she opens the bag she squealed. "A HOT DOG!!!" She cheered and clapped. She hummed as she devoured the hotdog. Jin knew it was her favorite food. He learned that while stalking her for years. 

He gawked at her as he enjoyed the way she looked while swallowing huge bites of hotdog, but he also loved seeing her smile. 

She met his staring eyes and shyly smiled, genuinely thankful for this real friend she'd gained.

She patted a place near her for him to sit, which he did. He also offered her a big bag of chips that she declined.

There was a very long silence. The only sound was the ticking of a clock on the wall. Every so often they would look at one another awkwardly.

Eventually Jin spoke. "Angel... um... I want to apologize to you for what I did to you. I didn't kn-" He was interrupted by her.


She held her palm out while shaking her head. "You stop right there. You did nothing wrong. I know you thought that I wanted you. You thought it was consensual. Technically it was." She grabs onto his hands and turns her body to face him. "Hey, look at me." He met her gaze as she continued. "I don't blame you for anything." 

She squeezed his hands tightly. "You are sweet. From what I remember – you were very gentile with me. You stopped once I asked you to." She blushed a little and looked down before saying the next words. "I'm glad I lost my virginity to someone like you." When she looked up to meet his eyes, she could see the tears welled up in his eyes.

"Angel, I care about you. Actually... I love you."

"L-love?" Angel removes her hands from his and rests them on her thighs.

"Angel, I know this seems sudden for you, but I have noticed you for years doing the yardwork on Saturdays. I was so afraid to approach you. I chickened out every time. You were daydreaming and smiling while you worked. I don't know what those dreams were about, but I would think how cool it would be if I were the subject of your dreams."

Angel covered her mouth with her hands, shocked. "I-I had no idea."

Jin continued. "Eventually I realized you were being abused. I told my parents and they said 'everyone raises their kids differently so mind my own business.' So, I only watched." He sighed with an apologetic facial expression. "I heard them yell at you and make you get on your knees. I could hear you begging not to be punished. One day, it was noisier than usual and saw you eating dry leaves as a punishment. That is why I left water on your window's edge. I should have done more."

Tears escaped both of their eyes. They both cupped the other's cheeks and wiped the tears. Jin took this opportunity to do more.

"I love you. I want to be with you. Please have me." He spoke in a quiet deep tone then leaned in to kiss her.

He did kiss her, but sweetly then pulled back. It only lasted a few seconds but that wasn't long enough. Not for her – not when she inhaled that familiar fabric softener smell that reminded her of Jungkook. She looked into his unsure eyes and reciprocated. If he had any doubt whether he crossed the line or not, he knew then that she welcomed his affections.

Jin was so happy to have this time with Angel. He vowed to return tomorrow.



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LET GO - JJK FF (Very slow updates)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora