Chapter 21: Jin

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Angel has been in Euphoria Wellness Center for almost a month. She spends many days watching TV in the "Living Area" of the hospital with the other patients. It was very boring. She was only allowed in the Living Area and her own room. Her days had a routine. In the mornings she would stand in line for her turn to use the shower that the patients in her area shared. Then pick at breakfast that tasted like cardboard, daily appointment with Dr. Namjoon, watch a movie with the other patients, eat lunch that tasted worse than cardboard, then TV again, then group therapy, then shock therapy, then naptime, then dinner, medicine, more TV, then bedtime. The hospital did have gardens, but she didn't have outside privileges yet due to her behavioral issues.

You would think with such a sedentary lifestyle that she would gain weight. She did not gain because she did not eat much. To the contrary, she was losing weight because most the food made her nauseous. Receiving hotdogs from Jin that day was special. He was special.

Angel doesn't sleep much most nights. She stares at the ceiling thinking of Jungkook, conflicted on what is real and what isn't. She doesn't know what do believe anymore. Real or not, it seems he's left her life.

I am going to focus on Jin from now on.


Time passed. Another month goes by. Angel all but forgot Jungkook.

Jin visited often. Several times per week he would bring her candies or hotdogs. Angel felt that Jin's visits were great. Even on days that she wasn't to have visitors, he would bribe the staff with food, so he could come see her any time he wanted.

The staff would hear him laugh way down the hallway. "What a strange laugh." One spoke. "Not just the laugh. He is just weird altogether." Said another.

Angel found Jin extremely attractive. He was kind to her. No one ever treated her this well. They slowly grew closer to the point that they had a secret sexual relationship.

She liked him - a lot.

He visited - a lot.

If she displayed good behavior, she was given outdoor privileges. The staff allowed Jin to take her for walks in the gardens or play games or have picnics.

If she didn't behave, she wasn't allowed to leave her room. At first, the staff thought they were punishing her. They were wrong. Jin was punishing her. On days she was horny, she would misbehave on purpose because they would make her stay in her room alone. Jin always showed up with extra desserts those days.

The nurses realized her 'game'. Not wanting to deal with her misbehavior along with receiving Jin's delicious food bribes, the staff and Angel came to an understanding. They told her that if she behaved, they would ignore her conjugal visits with Jin and that she didn't need to be sneaky. The staff would allow the two lovebirds to go to a 'special room' in an empty area of the hospital.

Jin was elated about being with Angel. She was happy to have someone around who cared about her.

From that point on, Angel was a model patient. This arrangement made everyone happy.

They just had to keep the sounds of sex quiet.

They weren't quiet.

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