Chapter 22: He's Back

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"Miss me, Angel?" 

Jungkook speaks with one brow raised. He then shoved his hands into his pockets which didn't go unnoticed by Angel. Her eyes lit up as she sat up on the bed to get a better view of her friend that she longed to see for what felt like forever. She stared and thought about their brief memories that meant so much to her. She watched as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other, as he waited for her to say something. His muscles flexed in his arms. His thin t-shirt hugged his body tightly. She could see every bend and bump. His pants seemed extra tight around his thighs. She truly appreciated his aesthetics.

Beautiful. Delicious.

She could not wait a second more. She stood from her hospital bed stepping toward him.

Now clearly seeing his face, relief flushed through her body. Her eyes became misty. She dried them on the sleeve of her pajamas. Seeing him again was a dream come true. She thought she would never see him again.

She took a step towards him, and he took a step back. Again, she stepped forward to get closer to him, and he stepped back to get away from her. She missed this - the playing around, the banter, the joking around.

He wasn't joking around, but she didn't know that.

A huge grin on her face, she stretched her arms toward him in hopes of feeling his touch. He didn't return her body language. Instead, he crossed his arms over his chest. Her smile faltered and her arms dropped to her sides. Noticing his closed off stance she didn't step any closer.

Confused, Angel opened her mouth to speak, but closed it again.

I don't know what to say.

He tapped his feet impatiently while she stood like a statue, unsure what her next move would be. Eventually she did get the courage to speak her feelings.

"I missed you Jungkook." She spoke sincerely.

"Sure. I bet you did." His voice was filled with sarcasm.

"It's true." Her voice soft. Jungkook pursed his lips, not believing her.

She genuinely missed him though. She thought of him often now. Although their so-called friendship was toxic, she couldn't get him out of her mind. Due to the lowered medication, her mind was filled with Jungkook. She saw Jungkook's face when she was with Jin. She sees him in her dreams at night. He is also in her constant daydreams. She fakes being well for Doctor Namjoon and the staff. She knows that if they start her medicine again, she may lose Jungkook for good. She had to do whatever she must to hold on to him. She couldn't allow him to disappear from her mind.

The thing about psych medications is that if you abruptly stop taking them, the original symptoms will return and be worse than the last time. This is gradually happening to Angel because she needs medication. Her daydreams are getting worse.

"It doesn't seem like you missed me – one bit." He spat. "You had no problem sleeping with that Jin dude. Do you feel something for him?"

"NO! That was a onetime thing. I-I mean, I kind of like him." She studders. "B-but I like you more."

"Stop lying."

"I'm telling the truth, it's you I care for!" She whined before mumbling the next sentence. "Even when I'm with him, I imagine your face."

"You liar." He narrowed his eyes in disbelief. "You aren't thinking of ME with some OTHER DUDE inside of you! That's bull-crap! You have been sleeping with Jin on the regular." He smacks his lips, then runs his fingers through his hair in frustration as he paces back and forth.

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