Chapter 14: Save Me

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Note: The picture for each chapter is not necessarily related to the contents. I just select pictures that I think are cute.


Also: Mental illness is a serious issue – not a joke.


Then he saw her on the floor in a puddle of blood.

Jin couldn't believe his eyes. The girl he adored was in bad shape. He tapped on the window. She didn't move. He tried to open the window, which is usually easily opened. No matter how much he tried it would not open. He bangs his fist on the window hard, but not so hard as to break it. She didn't move. He immediately called 911.

"Hello, please I need HELP!" Jin speaks into his phone with a worried tone, pacing back in forth. "My frie-" He stops pacing when he is interrupted by the 911 operator.


"Look lady, OF COURSE it is an emergency! Tch." Jin dramatically rolls his eyes and smacks his lips. "Why else would I call 911 asking for help! URGH!" He ruffles his hair in aggravation.


"My friend is on the floor unconscious in her room with blood all around her, and I can't get to her to help because I am outside at her window, and I can't open it, because the window is nailed shut, and her parents aren't home, and I can't get in the front door, I love her, and I don't want her to die, please help, I don't know what to do!" The words spilled from his mouth in one panicked breath as a few tears fell from the corners of his watery eyes.


"NO, LADY! I CANNOT check if she is breathing! I CAN'T GET TO HER! Were you even LISTENING to the words that were coming from my MOUTH!!!" He shouts and flails his arms animatedly.


"Ok, I will calm down." He takes a few deep breaths. "The address is 613 Debut Street! Please send someone! Hurry!" He ends the call.

He looks back into the window to see that Angel still has not moved. Fortunately, the emergency crew arrived quickly.

They had to break into the Rivera's front door to get into their house. Jin then showed them the way to her room. When everyone got in front of Angel's door, they saw that it was locked with a padlock on the outside. Since they didn't have the key, they cut the chain off with a tool to enter the room.

The scene in the room told the awful story of a girl who couldn't handle any more stress. One thing was clear. She slit one of her wrists. The pair of scissors lay loosely in her other hand. Visible were fresh bruises on her arms and legs, and the handprint on her neck. Her face was pale. All her honey golden color completely drained from her skin. As the medics worked on her, there were police taking pictures of the scene. There were people running in and out. It was completely overwhelming Jin. He stood in one spot staring at the medics try to revive Angel.

"Young man, we are going to need you to step out of the way." A medic says and pats Jin's shoulder.

"Oh, right." Jin was turning in circles trying to figure out which way to walk when a redhead policeman grabbed him and pulls him away from the chaos.

"Let's you and I sit on the couch and talk for a few minutes."

"Ok, sure." Jin shakily agrees and they both sit on a living room couch.

"Ahem" The officer clears his throat. "Are you the person who found this young girl in this state?"

"Yes sir, through the window. But I couldn't get into her room. I couldn't do anything to help her." Jin's lips tremble as he explains everything.

The officer writes down all of the information Jin tells him. "I forgot to ask your name young man."

"It's Seokjin Kim." He says reluctantly. "Am I in some sort of trouble?"

"Not at all." The young cop assures him. "By the way, my name is Detective Jung." He gives Jin one of his business cards.

"Detective Hoseok Jung," Jin reads the card.

"That's me." He smiles reassuringly. "Please contact me if you have any questions, alright?"

"Yes sir."


Angel's eyes slowly fluttered opened. The room was bright. After getting acclimated to the light, she realizes that she is in a hospital room, and she is laying on a bed. She could smell that good fabric softener and could see the silhouette of a man sitting beside her bed. She could feel that he was holding her hand and rubbing her palm with his thumb. It felt good and relaxing.

Jungkook, you came back.

She smiled softly. However, as her eyes come more into focus, she realizes that it is not Jungkook, but Jin at her bedside. Her smile dropped. She attempted to retreat her hand, but she couldn't. She was in restraints; her legs and arms were tied down to the bed. She couldn't even sit up from the bed. She tried pulling on the restraints and wiggling her body around. She couldn't free herself. She panicked, pulling harder and harder. With all her might she jerked her arms and legs back and forth.

I hate being trapped.

Angel didn't feel any pain from the restraints rubbing against her slit wrist because of her pumping adrenaline. The pulse in her ears was so loud that it gave her a headache. She began to sweat, her face turned red, and her eyes watered as she grunted with every tug of her arms.

Jin woke up from the movement and noise. He rested his hand on Angel's forehead and ran his fingers through her hair. "Sh- sh- sh- shhhh. It's ok. Try to relax." He spoke with a quiet calming voice. "Can you do that?"

Nodding her head yes, a weak "Uh-ha" left her pale lips.

"Good job, Angel."


Welcome Hobi to the story!

Welcome Hobi to the story!

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Jungkook will be back soon!

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