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Marie's Pov*

I put on a red dress and light makeup,and I left my hair down.

I sprayed on perfume before going downstairs.

Dad:wow...you look beautiful.

Me:thanks dad.

I looked the time and it was 6:23

Me:he should be here any minute now.

Me:and dad,please don't embarrass me...

Dad:No promises.

Ding dong*

Me:he's here!

I run to the door and open it.

There stood alex with a dozen roses.

Alex:hey bab-

My dad walks up behind me.

Alex: Mr Alvarez..

Dad:come in kid.

My dad led him to the living room.

Dad:So,what are your intentions in dating my daughter.

Alex:well..I really wanna get to know her more,I wanna keep her safe,I wanna protect her...

Dad: You seem genuine... I like you.

Alex:That's great to hear.

Dad:just make sure if your gonna have sex,wear protection.


dad:what,just be careful.

Me:I know dad,bye dad.

I said grabbing Alex's arm and dragging him to the door.

Alex:it was good to meet you Mr Alvarez.

Dad:nice meeting you to kid.

Me:bye dad,love you.

Dad:make sure to bring her back before 1am.

Alex:yes sir.

Me:ok bye!


We closed the door and walked to his car.



We finally got to this fancy restaurant.

We got off and went inside.

Mattia's Pov*


He pointed towards a restaurant.


ALe:its Alex and Marie.

My head immediately turned that way.

They were heading into this fancy restaurant.

Alvaro:we should go see what there doing.

Kai:there obviously gonna eat dumb ass.

Ale:lets go watch them.

Kai:you guys are fucking weird.

Ale:im bored,now lets go.

He dragged us to the restaurant.

A waiter sat us down at a table near Alex and Marie,not to close tho.

Kai:ok,there talking...oh and now she's laughing.

Me:what the fuck was the point of this?

Ale:I don't know,im really hungry Tho.

Kai:sense you dragged us here...your paying ale.

Ale:what the fuck! This place is expensive.

Kai:well maybe you shouldn't have dragged us here.

Ale:I ain't paying.

Kai:Then why did you tell us to come!

He whispered yelled.

Me:Kairi she's gonna hear you!

I whispered yelled.

Alvaro:uhh guys...

All of us: WHAT ALVARO!

Alvaro:S-shes looking at us.

We all turned and saw her and Alex staring at us.

Marie's Pov*

Me and Alex were talking until I heard a loud whisper.

I looked over and saw fucking Mattia and all the boys.

Alvaro noticed and told the boys something and they all turned our way.

Alex:what are they doing here...

Me:I have no idea...

Alex:We can leave if you want...


Alex called over a waiter.

Alex:can we get the check?

Waiter:ya if course.

She walked away.

A couple minutes she brought the check and he paid and we left.


After dinner we went to get ice cream and watched a movie.

Tonight was amazing.

We finally got home at 11:45.

Me:bye babe.

Alex:bye,love you.

Me:love you to.

I say before giving him a kiss,and then getting off and going inside.


Had a fun night tonight :) liked by Alejandrorosario,kairicosentino, alexcastillo,and 12,000 others.

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