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Mattia's Pov*

January 2.

Day later*

We were sitting in my room watching a movie until already had to bring something up.

Ale:damn,marie really doesn't like you anymore.

Me:wow,you barley realized.

Kairi:why,what did she say?

Ale:check her recent post.


Ale:just do it.

Me:she blocked me dumbass.

Kairi:imagine getting blocked.

Me:Imagine having a small dick.


Ale:Kai show Mattia her post.


He pulls out his phone and shows me.

Me:wow...so I guess its official..

Kairi:Why isn't she gonna friends with us?it's not our fault you fucked up.

Me:Because she doesn't want anything to do with me or involves me and you guys are my friends so....


Ashley's Pov*

I can't take the pain anymore.I feel mentally and emotionally drained.

I haven't been hanging out with Marie in a while.we usually hang out everyday,but I've been trying to keep my distants.

I've been drinking a bottle of vodka for the past hour while sobbing.

I can't take this pain anymore...

I grabbed my diary,

I grabbed my car keys and I went outside and started driving.

I finally made it there.

I got off the car with the diary and started walking to the bridge.

I sat on the edge.

I opened my diary and started reading it.

Once I finished reading it,I planned on jumping.


Warning suicide involved!

I was on the last page...then u closed it.

Me:its time.

I got up and stood at everything,taking in my last breath.

Lady: excuse ma'am what are you doing?

I slowly turned around.

Me:im finally gonna be happy.

I smiled.

Lady:please,get down from there,we can talk.

Me:its to late,I just wanna go home.

Lady:please sweetie,come down,you dont need to do this,I love you just please come down.

Me: here.

I throw her my journal.

Me:give that to Marie.

Lady:what please dont-

Me:goodbye world...goodbye Marie.

I whispered before taking a big jump and falling to my death.

I felt my body hit the floor.

I could hear faint screams and sirens.

But the thing is that I could get up.

I got up and saw my dead body on the floor.

I just stared at my dead body until I heard name being being called.


I turned around

My eyes widened.


Daddy:lets go home.

He put his arm out and I grabbed it.

We faded into the brightness

He took me home...

End of Ashley's Pov...for now.

His Addiction~Mattia PolibioNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ