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Ashley's Pov*

I woke up still in the bath tub.

I grabbed my phone from the counter and looked at the time.

4:30...that means I've been passed out for an hour.

I got out of the tub and turned on the shower and watched the dried blood fade away.

I grabbed the first aid kit and I heeled my cuts.

After that I put eye drops on my eyes to make the redness go away,then I walk out with a fake smile.

Marie's Pov*

3 days later*

December 29th.

Later that night*

Alex was over earlier but he already left.

I was laying in bed scrolling threw Instagram until I got a text.

From Mattia.


Read 1am.

Marie💅: hey.

Mattia🖕🍆: I know we haven't talked in a while but I really need to see you.

Marie💅:mattia I'm really tired...and its late.

Mattia🖕🍆: please,im outside your house.

Marie💅:fine,ill be right there.
Read 1:09am.

I grabbed a sweater and slippers and ran downstairs.

I opened the door and saw Mattia.



Me:What's up?

Mattia:im sorry that I've been ignoring you for the past 4 days,its just that I was going threw something...but I'm feeling better now.

Me:oh,are you ok?


Me:mattia you know you can always talk to me...

Mattia:I know,but I came here to give you this.

He pulls out a little blue bag.

Me:what's this?

Mattia:your Christmas gift...I was gonna give it to you on Christmas but I felt giving it to you in private.

Me:mattia,you didn't have to-

Mattia:yes I did,you got me amazing gifts so open it.


I took the tissue out and saw two little red velvet boxes.

I took the big one out first and I opened it.

Me:omg...its beautiful

Mattia:do you like it?

Me:I love it.

I put it back in the box and I took out the other little red velvet box.

I opened it and I saw this beautiful ring.

Me:I love it...thank you so much Mattia.

I say hugging him.

Mattia:no problem.

Mattia:I should get going...

Me:ya...thank you so much for the gifts.

Mattia:your welcome.

He said with a smile,then walking to his car driving off...

I smiled before going back inside and going to bed.

His Addiction~Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now