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Mattia's Pov*

I did feel bad for Marie.

She just lost her only girl friend...

I knew times like this she wanted to be alone.

But I wanted to text her and ask how she's doing.

Marie's Pov*

I was just sitting on my bed staring at the ceiling,until I get a text from a unknown number.


958-789-9987: hey.


958-789-9987:oh its me Mattia,but before you block me,I just wanted to ask on how your doing?


958-789-9987: im sorry for your lost,I knew how much you loved her.

Me: thanks.

958-789-9987: well if you ever need anything,im here.


I put my phone down and opened my nightstand and took out the pictures I saved of me and Ashley.

I smiled looking back at all the memories.

I saw one of me Ashley and all the boys.I smiled before putting it back in my nightstand before walking back downstairs.


His Addiction~Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now