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Marie's Pov*

Next morning*


I woke up,got out of bed and headed downstairs.

I bought the boys there gifts and I put them under the tree.

I got takeout from (whatever place)

The food should be here in an hour.

I made some brownies,hot chocolate, chocolate covered strawberries, white chocolate covered rice crispy treats,etc.

I put all the snacks on the kitchen table.

I checked the time and it was 9;45

I quickly ran to the bathroom and changed into different PJ's (pajama Christmas party) and did a little bit if makeup.

I checked the time again and it was 9:59


The doorbell rung and I ran to the door.



He said going in for a hug.

Alex:I brought some drinks.

Me:great,I got takeout and made some treats.

Alex:so who else is coming?

Me:my friend Ashley,and my guy friends Mattia,Alejandro,Kairi,Alvaro,Roshuan,and Robert.

Alex:a lot of guy friends...

Me:ya...but there cool,I promise.


Me:ill be back.

I ran to the door and saw Ashley.(I completely forgot she existed in my story)

Ashley:hey girl!


I Said going in for a hug.

Ashley:I brought ice cream.


Me:come in.

We walked to the living room.

Me:Ashley this is Alex,alex Ashley.

Ashley:so your the guy Marie won't stop talking about...

Me:I do not.

Alex:I feel special.

Ashley:im gonna go put the ice cream in the freezer.


Alex:she seems nice.

Me:she totally is.

Ding Dong*

Me:that must be the boys.

I walked to the door revealing the boys.

Me:hey guys come in.

They all walked in with gifts.

We greeted each other and walked back to the living room.

Me:Alex,this is Alejandro,Kairi,Roshuan,Alvaro,Robert,and Mattia.

I said pointing to each one.


Them:hey man

Expect for Mattia.


Me:whose hungry?


Me:great I got take out so lets eat.

We all walked to the kitchen and I started unpacking all the food.

We all served ourselves and went back to the living room.

We all started eating talking to each other.


8 hours later*


It was getting kinda late.

We played games,watched movies,and did karaoke.

And we had to Do now was open the presents.

Me:ok,lets open presents now.

We all walked to the Christmas tree.


I got Alejandro 2 Xbox games he's been talking about for the past month.

I got Kairi some hoodies that he's really wanted.

I got Alvaro his favorite soccer team jersey.

I got Roshuan Travis scott signed merch (Idk)

I got Robert 2 PlayStation games.

And  i got Alex some xbox games,and Jordan's and a costume hat with my name on it.I know it sounds weird but he's been saying he wanted a hat with my name on it so I got it.

It was finally Mattia's turn to open my gift.

He started unwrapping the paper.

Me:do you like it?

Mattia:m-marie...I love it.

He says getting up and hugging me.

Me:good to know.

I said patting his back.

It was my turn and I got some makeup from Alejandro.

A Polaroid camera from Kairi.

Some graphic tees from Alvaro with I loved.

Roshuan got me some red Jordan's.

And some rings I've been dying for.

Alex got me the kylieskin lip kits,and the Kylie skin face products which I've been dying for and a ring with his name on it.

I finished opening my gifts and I realized that Mattia didn't get me anything,but I really didn't take it to heart.

Once we all fished opening out gifts,we threw all the wrapping paper away and continued watching the movie until midnight.


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