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2 days later*


Looks like Tiktok star and best friend of @marie.alvarez
@misslovelace has sadly passed away do to suicide.please send prayers towards Marie and Ashleys family.

Liked by marie.alvarez,alexcastillo,mattiapolibio,alejandrorosario,
And 30,089 others.


User: wow...

User138: poor Marie.

User32: rest in peace Ashley.

User8072: why tho?

Read 2,000 other comments.

After two days of sobbing I finally decided to post .


Rest in peace baby❤i miss you

November 7th 2003 - January ?? 2019

(actual birthday and day she passed)
Liked by tiktokroom,alejandrorosario,kairicosentino,alexcastillo,and 23,898 more.

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To the most smart,beautiful,caring, girl I've ever known...I miss you so so much.I wish you were still here.it hurts everyday knowing that the person who I considered my sister is gone.You'll always have a special place in my heart.Just know that I love you so so much,and I hope your having fun in heaven.

Liked by alexcastillo,and 1000 others.

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Then I get a text from Alex.


Baby❤:hey baby,you doing good?

Marie💋:ya,im doing better,I just really miss her...

Baby❤:want me to come by?

Marie💋:I just wanna be alone right now.

Baby❤:ya,whatever you want,just ask me if you need anything.


Baby❤:I love you.

Marie💋:I love you to.

I put my phone down and laid on my bed.

I haven't really talked to anyone.

I just stay in my room all day scrolling threw the old pictures of me and Ashley.

A smile appears on my face every time I look threw them...


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