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Marie's Pov*

Me and Alex were on our phones watching tv until something caught Alex's attention

Alex:Ooo look what happened.

He said pointing to the t.v

I put my head up.

News reporter: looks like a 17 year old unknown girl has committed suicide,and jumped off the new jersey bridge.The body has yet not been identified but we send prayers for her family.



Ring ring*

Alex:oh shoot I gotta go,my mom needs me home.

Me:oh,ok bye.

Alex:bye love you.

He says giving me a kiss on the cheek and then leaving.

I let out a sigh.

I decided to call Ashley,we haven't talked in a while.

I put the phone to my ear and waited for her to answer.

After 30 seconds no answer.

Me:hmm...maybe she's busy.

I told myself.

Then the doorbell rung.

I walked up to the door and saw two detectives.

Me:uhh hi,may I help you?

Detective:Hi,are you Marie Alvarez?

Me:yes...whose asking.

Detective: well...we're very sorry too tell you but,do you know a women by the name of Ashley lovelace?

Me:y-ya she's my best friend.

Detective:well...she has committed suicide,she jumped off the new jersey bridge.

My heart dropped.


Detective:we tried contacting her mother but it she hasn't answered our calls and we went to her house and still didn't answer.


Detective:the witness told us this journal was for Marie.

He pulls out a journal with Ashley's name on it.

He hands it to me.

Detective:We already did the investigating so we don't need the journal.

Detective:oh and were sorry for your lost...

I nodded and they walked off and left

I closed the door and ran to my room opening the journal.I skipped a couple pages until one caught my attention.

Dear diary...


I fee so helpless...why cant the pain just go away...I can't handle this anymore.I just wanna be happy,but I know if I die,my mom and Marie would be heart broken...even tho I've only known Marie for 2 weeks...she's really brightend my life.She's like a sister figure...

If anyone is reading this...just know if I didn't make it,if I lost my battle,just know that I'm finally happy...with my daddy.

Love Ashley.

This was the last page if her diary...

I can't believe I never noticed...

I started sobbing.

I should've been there for her,I've shouldve listened I should've looked at the signs...

But it's to late...she's gone.

His Addiction~Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now