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Marie's Pov

January 7th.

I haven't been out my room in almost a week.

Alex comes to visit me once in a while,but I always tell him I just wanna be alone.

He totally understands.

Today I didn't feel like being in my room all day,so I got up put sweats on,and called an uber.

The uber finally came and drove me to my location.I told the uber to wait here,I was only gonna take a second.

Once he got there I got off and walked to her front door.

Ring ring*

A/m: oh,hello Marie.

Me:hi MS lovelace.

A/m:what are you doing here?

Me:I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for your lost,I know it might've been hard losing your daughter.

A/m:thank you Marie,I know how much you meant to Ashley...she loved you a lot.

Me:I loved her to...

A/m:if you ever need anything,just stop by.

Me:thank you,I just came to say how sorry I am about your daughter.

A/m:its ok,shes finally happy right...

She said with a tear running down her cheek.

A/m:I gotta go...bye.

She says closing the door on my face.


I walked back to the uber and he drove me to Starbucks then back home...

His Addiction~Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now