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Marie's Pov*


I yelled.


Me:you got flour all over me.

Alex: You look cute tho..

Me: Haha very funny-

Ring ring*

I looked over and saw that it was my phone.

I picked it up and answered it.

On the phone*

Me:hey Ashley.

Ashley:hey...a-are you busy?

By the sound of her voice,i could tell she's been crying.

Me: Kinda,me and Alex are baking a cake.

Ashley:oh,ok never mind.

Me:you ok?

Ashley:ya...im fine.

Me:you sure,I can go over and-

Ashley:No,no,no its ok...spend time with Alex,ill be ok...

Me:you sure?


Me:ok,bye love you.

Ashley:love you to...

She says before hanging up.

Alex:who was it?

He said putting the cake in the oven.


Alex:did she need something?

Me:not that I know of...



Alex:what are your plans for new years Eve?

Me: Usually me and my dad just go to a fancy restaurant and then come back home and wait for the countdown...

Alex:well...sense your dad isn't here...why don't you have a party.

Me:I don't know...

Alex:come on,I would do it at my place but my parents would kill me.

Me: fine.


Me:ya why not.

Alex: great-what the hell.

He says.

I threw flour all over him.


Alex: You better start running.

Me:Cant catch me!

I said running off with him chasing me.

Ashley's Pov*

I layed in the bathtub... Crying with the blade in my hand.

My depression and anxiety is just getting worse...and to to put it on top,im still getting bullied at school.

I'm so thankful to have Marie.She's the reason I'm still here right now,and without her,I would've been gone along time ago...

Warning! Self harm!

I cut a slice of my skin.

I watched as the red blood slowly went down the drain.

It satisfied me.

I kept cutting.

I needed to talk to someone...I called Marie.


She was busy...great.

I layed in the tub filled with blood around me.

I layed back and stared into the white ceiling.

Everything started getting blurry...and with that...everything went black.


His Addiction~Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now