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Marie's Pov*

December 31st

Today was finally New years Eve.

I got up and out of bed and got dressed.

I needed to go to the store so I called Alex.

I was putting my hair in a bun until I heard a honk outside.

Me:he's here.

I said to myself.

I grabbed my bag and walked outside to his car.

Alex:hey gorgeous.

He said giving me a kiss on the cheek.


Alex:so what store?



He started the engine and drove off.


At target*

We walk inside and I immediately go to the snacks.

I got chips,doughnuts,cookies,cupcakes and a lot more.

We walked around the store until we decided to pay and go home.

...at home*

Once we got back home,we took all the bags out and set them on the kitchen counter.

Alex:what kinda food are you having?

Me:pizza,wings,and salad.



I said taking out all the things from the bags.

Alex:cant wait to spend next year with you.

He said wrapping his hands around my waist.

Me: me too...



10 hours later*

My house was crowded with people from my school,and Alex school.

I looked at the time.


I was wondering where the boys where.

Ashley said she couldn't make it bc she felt sick,and I completely understand.

I was talking to some people until I saw all the boys walk in.

Me:ill be back.

I told the girl before walking off to the boys.


Kairi:wow...there's a lot of people here...

Me:ya...I wasn't really expecting a lot of people to come,but its fine.

Alejandro:are these all the kids from our school?

Me:some from Alex's school.

Me:there's drinks games,food here if you guys want some.

Kairi:yes um starving.

Me:it's on the kitchen table.


He walks away with all the boys except for Mattia.

Me:hey player.


Me:Why so quiet?

Mattia:I just feel a little bit off.

Me: you good?

Mattia:ya...its probably just what I ate earlier.

Me:oh ok,ask me if you need anything.


I smiled and then walked off to find Alex.

He was talking to I'm guessing his friends.




Me:Everyone the countdown is about to start!

I yelled.

We were watching the live countdown on my tv.



Alex:will you be my girlfriend?

Me:of course

I say with a smile.

Everyone: 10....9.....8.....7.....6....5....4....3...



Everyone yelled,while others kissed there partners.

Alex smashed his lips onto mine.

Narrators Pov*
The boy watched as the person he was in love with,make out with someone he wished that never came into Marie's Life.

Heartbroken knowing that he'll probably never get the chance to tell Marie...that he's in love with her.

Marie's Pov*

Everything was perfect...

Narrators Pov*

So she thought....

His Addiction~Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now