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Marie's Pov*

January 11th.

I haven't been feeling good this past month.I've been throwing up non-stop,and feeling dizzy.

I went too the hospital and they gave me pills but they haven't worked.

Today is my first day back to school...great.

I got out of bed and changed into a simple outfit.

I grabbed my bag and walked to school,sense my dad still wasn't back from Mexico.

I walked in to the school.


Someone said behind which made me jump.

I turned around and saw mar.


I Said hugging him.

Me:when did you get back from Mexico?


Me:I missed you.

Mar:so tell me everything that happens while I was gone.


I told him everything.

Mar:damn...all that happened while I was gone?


Mar:oh I heard about your friend Ashley... Im sorry for your lost...

Me:thanks,im glad she's finally happy but I'm sad that she's really gone...

Mar:I feel ya...

Me:im so glad your back or else I would've been sitting alone at lunch.

I say as we walked to my locker.

Mar:Im glad I'm back to.

I opened my locker and grabbed my book.

Mar: the boys are staring.

Mar whispers.

I turn around and see all the boys staring.

Me:just ignore them.

I say closing my locker.


Me:I really don't wanna go to 1st period...mattia is in that class...

Mar:dont worry,ill be there with you.


We both walked to 1st period.


End of the day*

School was finally over.I was walking out with mar until I get a call from Alex.

On the phone*


Alex:hey baby.

Me:hey babe what's up?

Alex:well,I wanted too ask if you wanna hang out today.

Me:sure,what time?

Alex: 6:30?


Alex:great,ill see you then.

Me:ok,bye love you.

Alex:love you to.

I hang up.

Mar:"I love you"?


Mar:you guys only been dating for like a month...

Me:I know,but I really do love him,he treats me right.

Mar:I hope he does.

Me:he does mar,now,I gotta tell me dad.

Mar:you still haven't told your dad?

Me:no,he's been in Mexico for the past month.

Mar:Oh,I think I saw him once.


Mar:maybe I don't know but you still haven't told him

Me:No I haven't,im waiting till he comes back home.

Mar:well good luck on that,I gotta go.



He walked off,and I walked back home

I finally got home and I walked inside.



I went over to hug him.

Me:You weren't supposed to come back until another week...

Dad:ya I know but I missed being here,so how was your Christmas and new years?


Dad:why so sad?

Me:Ashley passed away.

Dad:oh my...when?

Me:a week ago...

Dad:im sorry honey.

He says hugging me.

Me:its ok,it just makes me feel better knowing that she's happy.


Me:anyways,dad don't get mad but...I got a boyfriend.

Dad:Already,while I was gone.

Me:yep,and he's really sweet and respectful.

Dad:he better be.

Me:yes,and I want you to meet him later,he's coming to pick me up later for a date at 6.


Me:ok,I gotta get ready.

Dad:but your date is a 6...its 3.

Me:I need all the time I can take.

I said smiling before running upstairs

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