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Can't believe they left this way. I really feel the urge of kicking their arse. And knowing that they almost surely had something to do with Gregor's disappearance truly pisses me off. I mean, he is who he is, but it feels like we're back to months ago. With plots and schemes and shady deeds. This proves they learnt nothing. I literally run to Alicia, I need to talk to her. And it takes me a while to find her, she went to help the pantry for the inventory. And when I spot her near the entrance door I almost drag her away.

"Are you nuts?"

"Alicia, we have a situation" she gives me a confused look.

"Woah, slow down. I don't like your tone, nor your face"

"No? Wait until you hear my words"

"Is it about all the fuss I saw in the square?" smart girl.

"Yes. Gregor is gone" she doesn't understand it, because she looks at me with eyes still confused.

"And did we know him?"

"Alicia, focus! Gregor, the soldier from our ranch who had a fight with Troy and us. He's gone. But that's the not the worst part" she waits for me to go on without saying anything.

"Troy and Nick are gone too" and now her face changes. Her jaw clenches and she squeezes her eyes, holding her breath.

"You're joking, right?"

"I am not. They're stuff is missing. They left. Don't you find it quite suspicious?"

"Definitely. Who knows about this?"

"I don't know. No one that I am aware of. But Troy and Gregor had a fight and punched each other, perhaps someone saw them. Not that it matters now, they're not here anyway"

"Nick didn't say a fu*king thing" she says in rage. I can tell she took this as badly as I did. If not worse, but she's tough, she can take it. Then I remember the thing in my pocket.

"No. But there's something. Your mum sent a letter to you two. I opened it and it said something about things being ready. I don't know if there might be a correlation" she thinks it through I can almost feel her head spinning around.

"My mum plotting with Nick? That'd be the end of the world"

"I am telling you Alicia. They did something to Gregor and it would not surprise me if your mum was involved" she nods comprehensively.

"So what do you want to do?"

"That's the thing. I have no idea. If I kept digging I think I know what I'll find. And I am sick and tired of this. But I also want to kick their arse for screwing things up again" I see red if I think they went back to violence.

"They left the place someone must have seen them"

"Maybe. But they left no clue where they're going. Because they don't know either. We have our hands tied this time. And besides, what would we solve?" and I don't think there's much to do. I would bet they did it, and the corpse would not be around. Even if it was, it would help no one. And I would not leave for the unknown just to let them have a lecture. So, this time I am out of it I guess.

I drag myself inside and I crush on the mattress, sighing heavily and massaging my temples. Too many things to process. But the truth is that I am trying to keep my mind busy not to think about the fact that they're gone. And who knows when, or if, they're coming back. And there's Madison's message I can't place. It's too much for one day.

"Are you ok sweetheart?" Lucian's voice takes me back to reality

"Not really"

"What's wrong Leyla?" he says, sitting next to me.

To Mend a Broken Memory - [Troy Otto]Where stories live. Discover now