Chapter V

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After two uneventful days, five soldiers, including Troy and the Tennent, come in the room to move us outside. It must be a big deal. He rarely deigns to pay us much attention. And this is something we all know, that's why I can actually smell the fear all around. No one dares move nor make a sound, including me, especially because I can see some sort of hole, or swamp in front of us, a pit maybe. Also, I vowed I would try to behave. They tell us to form a straight line and then they all dispose in front of us. Troy starts pacing then he stops right in the middle and rubs his nose before speaking.

"Today we offer you the opportunity to do something truly helpful for the first and, perhaps, the last time in your lives. You can give science a real contribution. " something tells me we're not going to like this "contribution". Troy nods towards the Tennent, who starts to speak as well.

"You'll help us test two of our most powerful serums, created to defeat the walkers easily. You see, all we do here has the same goal, a common goal and it would be very important for everyone..." I'd like to ask a couple questions, but I don't want to draw attention to me and above all I'm not sure I want to know the answer. Troy interrupts him, perhaps he senses Hutcherson was saying too much. Bummer, I would have wanted to know, I crave for any information that could help me get out of here.

"We need two volunteers, who will be properly rewarded" why us, they keep walkers prisoners too, they could run all the tests they want. I don't like this, I know they want to fool us. Predictably, no one says a word, everyone is looking down at their feet.

"No one? No questions either? Fine, don't say we're unfair, then" my hand raises almost without my permission, Troy smirks as if he saw it coming.


"I've got a couple questions"

"At your service" like hell he is, this bastard likes playing with us.

"Why making us do it? You could run tests on your own in your labs with your walker hostages"

"Not the kind of question necessary, but that's exactly what we're doing. You're all means to an end" that's not a proper answer. He's avoiding the matter.

"And how does this work?" I guess that's the obvious question to ask.

"Now we're going somewhere. We give you a syringe, you get in the pit with a walker, you hit it. If the serum works, it will make its bite harmless and then die."

"And if it doesn't?" that's the most pressing concern right now, I need to ask.

"We'll time you, and next time you'll be in the other side of the hole" which means it will kill me and I'll turn. We are all dispensable here, it's a game to all of them, bloody psychos.

"You've got rifles in every corner, if the syringe won't work you could shot the walker and not waste our lives, if you're all too coward to get close to it" I don't think they'll ever comply, but it's worth the shot.

"We certainly could. But I said there would be a reward, didn't I? Well, have your fight and earn your reward then"

"What's the reward? And who assures us you'll really give it to us?" why don't I manage to shut the hell up?!

"Judging from these many questions, I take it you'll be a volunteer, Niña"

"Not at all. I'm just trying to foresee how much you want to screw us up. Even though I'd say a lot, judging from the fact that you want us to go to a suicide mission just for your own sick fun to make us do something you could easily and safely do in a lab" he smirks without even looking at me, he knows I am right, but he's not ashamed in the slightest.

To Mend a Broken Memory - [Troy Otto]Where stories live. Discover now