Chapter XXXXX

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I head like a fury to find Lee, who is lying in our room reading a stupid book. Seeing him so peaceful infuriates me even more. Does he not yet know what he has gotten into or does he simply not realize the danger? I'm not going to ask myself, because we have a situation to solve.

"What the fu*k is wrong with you?!" Lee turns to me, and the gesture that comes to him instinctively is to raise his hands as if to calm me, given the aggressive tone I used.

"Leyla, don't freak out. It's just a small quantity, I'll be fine"

"Yeah, because everything has gone according to plan lately, hasn't it" it's almost all gone to hell, actually.

"I feel fine, Troy gave me millilitres" that means nothing. Literally.

"The cure does not work, you moron! How will you get rid of the poison?!" I can't stop yelling. I have my heart broken, and now Lee's risking his life too. I can't handle all of this. It's too much for me. I can't understand how he can be so calm.

"I won't. There won't be no need." Then I kick a chair in front of me, he's dismissing it too quickly.

"No, Lee, really, what is wrong with you?! Lucian died a day later. Even an idiot knows that you should wait a bit for possible side effects. If you did, you would have found out that that thing does not work" I understand the urge of taking a potential cure and test it. But first you have to be as sure as you can that it will work.

"It was a big deal, we had to do something to recover it, we thought it had worked"

"A big deal. You just can't help trying and be a hero, can you?! Well, you know what? You're no hero, you're just another idiot that believes that this world has not come undone. There are no heroes. There are only people trying to survive and so far you're doing a shit*ty job!" and I storm out the way I came. Troy quietly follows me, with his arms crossed. He seems to be thinking, which mostly is a good thing.

"Troy, we must do something or he'll die. Maybe more slowly, but he will, you know he will" it's unhelpful to hope that he'll be fine the way he is. He will not. And we must act immediately.

"There's not much I can do. If I did, we'd have another cure" so it's my turn to think. But I can almost see the fog wrapping up my brain.

"The infection is not much, stopping his heart would not work here either?" perhaps this time the trick could work.

"No. With Lucian it was spreading in that moment. I gave Lee the shot no longer after Lucian. It's already in his blood, you should bleed him dry to eliminate it"

"Can you?" I ask. I'll take anything at this point.

"Yeah, easy. I suddenly have a medicine degree"

"Don't you dare joke about this Troy. Can we do that? Can we clean his blood?" it's something. I know it's nearly impossible and also dangerous. But I need to hold on to something here.

"Even if we could, somehow, the infection could have rooted already"

"Are you telling me that he's going to die over a stupid row test!?" because sounds like it. And I am yelling already, trying to fight back the tears.

"I am telling you I don't know. Maybe it won't even affect him or maybe it'll kill in in the long run. I have no clue" his honesty hits me like a sharp blade. Usually I despise sugarcoating, but this sense of uncertainty kills me even more.

"Another successful experiment I see" I mumble.

"He volunteered. I didn't ask" I know, but I don't care. And I snap again, realising I might be losing Lee right after Lucian.

To Mend a Broken Memory - [Troy Otto]Where stories live. Discover now