Chapter XXXIII - Part 1

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I must have fallen asleep because I feel a hand stroking my hair taking me back to reality. Raising my eyes I meet Lucian's blue, gentle look staring at me with a smile. With the shadows of the room his eyes show a grey veining and look even more beautiful. I forgot how good it feels to wake up to those eyes.

"Oh thank God, you're awake. I was beginning to think it'd take days" I confess. For a second there I feared he could... I don't know. I was worried.

"I was thinking the same about you, sweetheart" I laugh and literally clutch at his neck and kiss him as if it was the last time. And it's sad to say that but you never know.

"I have missed you so much, I can't even say" usually I am not used to saying these things. But this circumstance requires it. I mean, I thought he was gone.

"I know, love. Me too. And I met your bodyguards" with a grin he gestures towards my pets who are diligently and peacefully sleeping in a corner.

"How are you feeling?" he asks

"Never better. You're ok?" and it's true. For once, my head feels light, and I haven't felt the dizziness in a while. Perhaps somehow it's linked to stress.

"Yeah, I am, you know..." can't finish the sentence because truth be told I wouldn't know how. There would be so much to say that I wouldn't know where to start. Lucian nods comprehensively.

"I remember you not being so good at talking about feelings. It's alright honey, I can see it in your eyes, every word you'd want to tell me, I am reading it as we speak"

"I also missed you always saying the right thing"

"Where are we?"

"Home. Finally we can stay safe in one place, for now"

"Even the desert is home with you"

"Aww, I know I haven't seen you in ages and thought you gone but you're still too mushy for my tastes" Lucian is way more sentimental than me. He'd say sweet things very often but for me it's embarrassing, I am a down-to-earth kind of person. Words never convince me easily, I am all for facts. So when someone's sweet to me, I always end up in a very uncomfortable position. And that's when I use sarcasm and sometimes people don't take it too well, they think me insensitive.

"I missed your out of place sarcasm" exactly. Luckily, he knows me. But speaking of facts, there's something I need to clarify. So I get up, pace a little to think of the right words and then take a deep breath.

"Lucian, there's something I need to tell you"

"Of course" and his expression becomes genuinely curious.

"You told me about the lab guy when we were there" he dismisses me with a hand before I can continue.

"It's water under the bridge sweetheart"

"No, it's not. It's a very, very, very long and insane and twisted and surreal story. But he's with us" his usually cheerful face now becomes confused and sort of.. angry.

"You're kidding me right" and his harsh tone confirms it. I knew this would upset him, but I couldn't pretend it was ok. I mean, Troy's out there.

"No. He saved me many times and he carried you to safety. And deliberately decided not to harm you during the fight" I have to provide a justification why I still keep him around.

"So you're saying I should trust a guy who experimented on human lives?" now he gets up too, nervously, and his tone is increasing.

"No, I am asking you not to pick a fight. We've found some pale peace now and besides he's dangerous." I don't know what Lucian's been doing all this time. But something tells me he wouldn't stand a chance in a fight with Troy. Besides it'd be pointless. So, better to avoid the whole situation.

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