Chapter II

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Under a burning sun, on a shabby car, we finally arrive at what looks like a refugee camp. Despite my many questions on the matter, no one gives a damn about me.

"You two lovebirds, get off, quickly" a soldier roughly manhandles us to the front gate. There's not much around, more cars, dust, armed soldiers, dust, some tents, dust again, and some crumbling buildings.

"Like I said, we weren't doing anything wrong, so why don't you let us go? I'm sure you have more pressing concerns" Lucian tries with the easy way again. But I already know it's not going to work.

"It ain't no up to me to decide, pal." Says one of them distractedly.

"So, you two take white pale boy over here and deal with him. Black Eyes, you're with me" here it comes that moment, they're going to separate us. I was expecting that.

"Wait a second. She's with me" his protests will not have any effect whatsoever. That's even clearer when he says "Take him away".

"No!" he yells, struggling to escape from the two soldiers restraining him.

"Lucian, it's fine. Remember my promise" I must be strong for both of us. I can't let fear overwhelm me.

"I love you" that sounds more heart-breaking than romantic, but it means a lot to me that in this time of need that was the first thing he felt to say. I'd like to reply the same but I get dragged away before I can open my mouth. We pass through a corridor, a labyrinth is more like it. But it's also a good place to attempt to escape. So, I make the most of their brief distraction and kick them. I can't flee for long, two more soldiers cut my way and point their rifles at me. This time they handcuff me.

"Careful with this little panther, she has real claws" the red-headed soldier has seen right through me and he's also bold enough to threaten me "Stay here and be quiet. Or we'll make you".

They leave me in a very small room with two big women, Indians, judging from their appearance, who give me compassionate looks. One has long hair and green eyes while the other one has short, messy hair and dark eyes. They are tied up like me and they sit on some shabby chair. I should try to obtain as much information as I can, whoever I find on my path.

"Vosotras me entendeis?" (ndr. Do you understand me?) but they remain motionless. They don't speak Spanish, bad luck. Most of the remaining Indians in Mexico speak Spanish and viceversa. Unfortunately, I can't speak Indian either.

"You do understand me?" I try again in what I think is their second language.

"I am Yerma, she Flora" they don't speak perfect English, but at least we can communicate.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Leyla. Sorry for the unfortunate circumstances" they look tired and pale, I wonder who's had the nerve of leaving two old ladies here, without cares.

"What you doing here, young lady? This no place for you" the green-eyed one asks me.

"We were in a nearby village, my boyfriend and I. We get caught by soldiers there. You?"

"Long story. Boring. Where is boyfriend now?" my stomach aches at this question.

"He's been taken elsewhere, you see he is... white" I am even embarrassed that this could actually make a difference. I am embarrassed for them. 

"He ill?"

"Nope. He's perfectly healthy"

"Then perhaps he is alive. Non-americans or ill men are killed immediately" that's not good to know, what really happens in this place? I'm not that sure I want to know, but I need to:

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