Chapter XVI - Part VI

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Too many weird things have happened in this ranch lately. But it's all starting to make sense now. It's a net of deception. After Taqa recollected all the weapons and Troy's gone, there has been no sign of riot whatsoever. One might think that he was the one spitting poison in their ears. But many people are loyal to him, and especially in these circumstances they should react more now that they feel cornered and weapon-less. Instead it's all quiet. And when it's quiet you really need to worry, I need to go speak to Nick and Alicia, and late night is the perfect time. This looks like a ranch, but it's more of a blabbermouths' hangout, so every move you make is watched and duly noted. I break into their house, trying not to scare anyone, because I know they're armed, and I don't want to risk a riot. I can't seem to find Alicia anywhere, then it comes to my mind that she's with Jake, so I guess she sleeps there. But I can't find Nick either, I know Madison's not here, but at least I should be able to find Nick. Where the hell is he gone? I try to murmur his name to let him know that it's just me. But I already hear murmuring. So I speak a little louder.

"Nick?" I approach the balcony, and he's there smoking a cigarette.

"Leyla, what are you doing here?" his tone seems a bit alarmed, put perhaps it's just a feeling.

"Are you sleepwalking? I heard you speaking" he keeps gazing at a point behind me, and now I have the visual confirmation that he's a bit nervous, as if he was hiding something.

"This is not the right time, Leyla, come back later" I won't let him finish and reach him on the balcony, discovering he's not alone. Troy's with him, although he had been banished. They both look at me with guilty expressions.

"I knew there was something wrong, why are you plotting with him, Nick? You have a death wish?" I say in an angry tone. If someone else came here instead of me, he'd have been thrown out as well.

"Shh, lower your volume. We're not plotting" it didn't seem like it from outside. But I let it go and turn to Troy instead, who looks pale and weary, his blue eyes seem even bluer due to the black shadows under them. He mustn't have slept very well.

"And you, aren't you tired of causing problems? I thought you were lost out in the desert" scolding someone in a low voice is really difficult. 

"You were hoping so, I bet. Sorry to disappoint you" his voice is low too, it sounds tired, almost as if every word he says has been pulled out with a great effort.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't call someone and turn you in"

"Just hear him out" Nick tells me, so I cross my arms before my chest and wait for him to speak up.

"Everyone goes around here like they were the fu*king kings of the world. If they had seen what I saw, they wouldn't"

"What are you blubbering?"

"Did you believe this whole thing would have a been a walk in the park?" I understand he's tired and confused and everything, but he's not making any sense.

"What did you see Troy?!" he stares at me for a while, thinking of how to say the next thing.

"I saw the consequences of this unnatural and unpleasant situation. They're coming. They'll be here shortly" his face almost shows satisfaction.

"Whom?" he raises an eyebrow and I freeze, because I got it.

"The dead?" he slightly nods. Oh dear, it can't be happening again.

"Tell me you're trying to mess with us" I already know the answer, but it's worth the try.

"All those vans moving created a trail and a scent, no doubt it led them here, again and overnumbered" yes we knew that. But it's been a long time, there is no movement now.

To Mend a Broken Memory - [Troy Otto]Where stories live. Discover now