Chapter XIX - Part IV

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Hey there, again I'd like to take a moment to thank @TankGal for this other beautiful GIF she made. That's a great contribution to my story, thanks a lot. 

As I am bustling about with the iron string and the door lock, Troy's glancing at me impatiently.

"Get a move, come on, we don't have all night" I stop for a second to shake him a frustrated look.

"Perhaps I could focus on what I am doing if you stopped being on my neck like a vulture" he turns around and starts pacing in the room, sighing loudly, basically pressuring me. The wire just won't bend to enter the lock. So in an exasperated sigh I throw it on the floor and rub my face with my free hand.

"It doesn't work... I can't trip the lock. This piece of iron is not mouldable enough"

"Fu*k!" and he kicks the glass door, causing a vibration.

"SSShhhh. You'll wake them all up and we'll be screwed" he places both hands on the sink and hisses with rage.

"I don't give a fu*k. Let them come in here, I'll slaughter them all" typical Troy. Always tasting the blood. This particular time it's a stupid idea, since he's weary and sleep-deprived.

"Oh really. In your current state you'd struggle with defeating a hamster trying to bite you. You're pale and your eyes are red. It's time you get some rest" he points a finger in my direction to remark what he's about to say.

"I am not even sitting down until we are out of this sh*t hole, and sleeping is not helpful"

"You know what else is not helpful? You passing out when we're escaping because you're too tired. Get some bloody fu*king rest"

"I don't like your tone"

"Yeah well, Claims Office is closed, come back tomorrow" he reluctantly lays down in the tube and closes his eyes. And then it's just all sounds of the forest outside. Which is deceiving because it seems to be pervaded by quietness while there is only darkness. Everywhere.

A couple hours later, I quietly start knocking at the door, there must be someone on watch. And in fact, a voice answers me through the door.

"Shut the hell up!"

"Look, you seemed a pretty decent person, and I want to make a deal with you" I hear a chuckle through the glass.

"A deal, I don't think so. You're staying where you were" predictable.

"I would have the chance to escape, but I am not. Doesn't it prove my good faith?" he doesn't say anything for a while, so I almost think he stood me up, but then I hear his voice.

"What are you talking about?!" his tone slightly hides a bit of concern.

"You'll have to open the door and see for yourself" I already know he won't, but it's wort the try.

"DO you think I am that stupid?!"

"Fine. Then I'll go on with my method. Your boss will know that it was your fault and you'll be dead. I was trying to make this easier for both of us." I need to sound confident, and keeping my voice steady in this situation is a great deal of an effort.

"I think you're just bluffing. Stay there and keep fu*king quiet!"

"This cottage was owned by hunters, in the middle of a forest crawling with wild animals. Don't you think they might have had a way out just in case?! There's an underpass here that you failed to check, you idiots. I'll find out where it leads and let you know. So thank you" he keeps silence again, but I know that I got to him now and that's just a matter of time. In fact, there are some slats on the floor that are of a darker brown than all the other wooden slats covering the pavement. They are sealed now, but they could have been something of this kind in the past.

To Mend a Broken Memory - [Troy Otto]Where stories live. Discover now