That's when she stopped being as productive as she was. I used to watch her as a little girl as she catered to the garden and the animals we had but after my dad left, she wasn't the same. Her legs started hurting and she was in pain every day and that's when it started. 

She finally went to a doctors appointment and the doctor told us that her legs were getting worse everyday and she should use them minimally and because my mother didn't want to hear more bad news on top of my dad, she stopped going. 

She stopped until now; until Jace finally started taking her.

"Do you remember when my dad tripped over the couch in the living room?" Jace asks and I burst into laughter.

"Yeah, Ben was in a hurry." I giggle.

"Exactly, my dad should have taken it easy, if you don't take it easy, things start to happen, just like with your mom's legs. 

She didn't take it easy, even with the pain she worked with those animals, and my dad was worried about having Christmas dinner perfect that his foot had to be taken cared of during the whole dinner." Jace says and I nod at him. 

He always knows how to make me feel better, no matter what I'm going through.

"My point is . . . " He continues, placing his hand on mine.

"My point is that I . . . you need to be careful, you're hurt this time and before you trip over something, I'm going to take care of the inner you." He says and my heart flutters at the care he's showing me. 

He's always been this kind but there's something about not having seen him for so long, I got used to personalities like Miles's who don't care and now with everyone stabbing me in the back, I realize I've needed nothing but Jace this whole time.

"Are you still coming to WSU next semester?" I ask knowing that there's only one month until. Jace nods with a smile.

"Let's skip the movie, I want to hang out with you, I've missed you Maddie." He says and I smile at him with a nod.

"Me too."

"So anyway . . ." Jace licks the chocolate off his fingers.

"Hasn't Christmas break started?" he asks and I nod.

"It has." I breathe, realizing that I have no plans and going back to my dorm with Stephanie will only make it easier for Miles's phone calls to turn into knocks. Why is he calling me anyway? What could he possibly say?

Miles's POV

For the fucking hundredth time today, my finger presses on her name, the name that I've grown to like too much. 

All of this shit was supposed to be so simple, but there was something about her, about those eyes, about those lips, about fucking everything that I couldn't get out of my mind. And that moment in the cabin when the electricity went out was the only moment I could truly be myself, no one was around, no one was expecting anything of me, I wasn't expecting anything of me, and yet, I managed to fuck even that up. 

I slowly get up from the same damn corner I've been sitting in for the past few hours. After Jacob fucked me up, I couldn't stand up and I didn't want to. I wanted to stay there in pain because I know I deserve the pain, I deserve much more than just getting punched. 

I finally manage to get the hell up and my legs are tempted to give up on me but I don't let them.

 Waking up after sleeping against the wall and being hung over after a whole bottle of whiskey is the most fucked up way to wake up, that and of course knowing that I've fucked up the only thing I care about.

"Fuck." I groan as I walk out of the basement. 

Everything is chaos which for once, isn't my problem. I smirk before grabbing a drink off the counter and spilling on the living room rug. Hayden deserves this shit, he deserves bloody murder.

I glance around the room, everything is trashy with a couple of whores sleeping in the couch. My Madison would never be like them, she barely wears anything slightly revealing.

"Jacob." I say as I watch a familiar head of stupidity attempt to get out through the door.

"Back off Miles." he barks like one of those small and fucking annoying dogs. I smirk at him and he looks at me angrily.

"Still moping over the news?" I taunt him.

"Madison ins't in her dorm." He says and my smirk disappears.

"What?!" I ask harshly and Jacob plays a small smile.

"And since when the fuck do you go out looking for her? She's not yours—" I bark.

"She's not yours either, Miles." Jacob taunts me and I realize he's right. 

She's not mine and she never truly was.

"I'll see you Miles." He says, attempting to leave again.

"Where the fuck is she?" I shake my head, grabbing at his annoying blue jacket.

"Somewhere we can't find her." He says, walking out the door and traveling down the icy steps. I watch as he walks away without a care in the fucking world—that prick.

"Where are you hiding,Madison?" I breath into the cold air.

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