Chapter 8

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Now let's ignore the snippet of the deep disturbing depths of my mind, and get on with the story.


It's been a week since the battle trials and nothing too interesting has happened. Just Erza nearly blowing up the school.

The class president and Vice President were picked
Iida was president and Momo was Vice President.

There was a cafeteria incident where the media broke into school, but nothing else important happened.

(Home room)
Aizawa enters and has a chilling grin on his face.

Aizawa: Today we are going to the U.S.J for some rescue training. Allmight, Me and one other will be there as supervision

Mina: Do we get to wear our costumes.

Aizawa: If you really want to yes. Now no more questions until we get to our destination.

And with that he exits by rolling out the door in his signature yellow bag.

Everyone gets changed and Meets up at the bus.

Don't think I mentioned this but Izuku wears Natsu's clothes from when he invaded sabertooth. The fairy tail people wear their usual outfits and Stella wears the uniform she has in her anime.

(Eri is with Nezu cause Izuku and Stella don't want her to get hurt

Iida: Everyone! Line up in an orderly fashion and enter the bus one at a time

It wasn't that kind of bus

As they were going a couple people decided to ask Izuku a few questions

Kaminari: Hey Izuku, I was meaning to ask this but what's with the tattoo on your arm and Grays they look the same?

Iida: Izuku! It is not permitted by the school to have tattoos

Izuku: It's a guild mark, they show that we are a part of fairy tail.

Mina: Is that the same with Erza, Juvia and Stella?

Stella: Yes it is

Uraraho: hey Izuku, how did you actually meet Eri?

Izuku: As I said on the first day, until I trust you all completely I'm not going to tell you.

Iida: But why do you not trust us

Stella: Iida that's not really something he likes to talk about

Izuku: No, it's okay I'll tell them

Stella: Alright then.

Izuku: When I was younger my quirk didn't manifest.

Momo: But if you have a quirk then it should have manifested when you were 4

Izuku: Yes, but mine didn't. So what do you think people would do when they found out I was 'quirkless'

Izumi:(kinda sad tone) They would bully you, right?

Izuku: Yeah, but it would usually go outside of the normal, name calling and other small things.

Mina: how so?

Izuku: Well eventually I got my bones broken nearly every week.

Momo: That's just horrifying, who would do something like that

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