Christmas chapter

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This will be a shorter chapter, because it's 1:30am when I'm writing it and there's not too much I can really write about.

Anyway let's just say that by some weird plot bullshit it's christmas time


Today is Christmas Eve making it Eri's first christmas with her new family, so Izuku and Stella had to make it the best one possible

Izuku had been decorating their house with Christmas lights, a couple Christmas trees and other little bits.
In the main lounge he put the larger tree, with decorations covering it. As well as this he put filled stockings on the fire place, which was lit.

Meanwhile Stella would be getting the presents and ingredients for dinner. She bought Eri some toys and clothes. For the dinner she bought the regular items for a roast dinner.
However Stella did buy another thing of great importance, three Santa outfits for her, Izuku and Eri.

(Time skip to the night of Christmas Eve)

So far everything had gone well, everything had been bought and wrapped, the house was decorated. The only thing to do now was sit and wait for Christmas Day.

Currently the family are huddled together on the couch with the fire on, while they watch a Christmas film.

Izuku: Hey Eri

Eri: *looks up at Izuku* hmm?

Izuku: Are you excited for tomorrow?

Eri:*smiles* Yeah! I can't wait to open all my presents!

Izuku: I bet you can hardly wait

Eri: Yeah!

Stella smiled at the small interaction, knowing she would have many memories and pictures to embarrass Eri with when she got older.

(Time skip Christmas Day 9:33am)

If you want to know why I'm being specific about the time, it's because this is the time my 18yo brother woke me up by jumping on me and screaming.

Anyway, back to the story

Izuku and Stella were sleeping peacefully when Izuku is woken up by Eri jumping on him shouting 'MERRY CHRISTMAS!'

Izuku:*still kind of tired* Okay, okay I'm awake

Suddenly Izuku gets a devilish smirk as an idea pops into his head

Izuku: How about we wake up mama?


Izuku:*holds his hands up* follow my lead

Izuku and Eri begin to tickle Stella until she finally wakes up and begins hysterical laughing.

Stella: *laughing* Stop! Stop!  I'm gonna get you back for this!

After a 10 minute tickle war, everyone is finally awake and heads downstairs.

Izuku grabs himself and Stella a cup of coffee and comes back to see Eri waiting patiently to open her presents.

Izuku: How come you didn't start yet?

Stella: We couldn't start without you!

Eri: Yeah! That'd be mean!

He smiles at this and goes to sit down next to Stella. Almost immediately after he sits down Eri begins tearing through the presents, creating a mountain of wrapping paper. Covering Happy in the process.

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