Chapter 4

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Once Izuku got his new name he thought that it would be a good idea to take Stella on a date, after all it's thanks to her that he can now go outside.

(Time skip guild hall)

Izuku walks in through the door looking for Stella, so that he can go and ask her where she would like to go.

Izuku: Stella!

Stella: Yeah izu?

Izuku: I'm gonna take you out on a date tomorrow, so where would you like to go?

Stella: How about we go to the shopping district?

Izuku: Okay, lets do that.

Stella: Goodnight izu

Izuku: Goodnight Stella

(Time skip the next day)

Izuku can be seen carrying some bags, while Stella walks ahead.

Izuku: Do we really need so much stuff?

Stella: Yes, yes we do

Izuku: *sighs*

(Meanwhile at the same time with the Bakugos)

Mitsuki: Why the fuck would you do such a thing to Izuku?

Katsuki: What do you mean?

Mitsuki: You already know what I mean you damn brat!

Katsumi: Fine, we bullied Izu so that he wouldn't become a hero, I just didn't want him to get hurt.

Mitsuki: So you're telling me that to protect Izuku you decided to bully him for 10 years.

Katsumi: Yes, I'm sorry I'll apologise tomorrow when we see him.

(I decided this is how both sets of twins are going to find out about his 'death')

Mitsuki: You won't be able to now.

Katsuki: The fuck do you mean, you old hag.

Mitsuki:* tearing up* Well it turns out last night that Izuku killed himself

Katsumi:*crying* no... Izu

Katsuki:*not at all upset* 'The damn nerd finally did it, he's finally out of my way and I can finally be with Izumi'

Mitsuki envelops both children in a hug, hoping that it will help Katsumi and Katsuki cope with the pain of losing a close one.
(Obviously Katsuki doesn't give a shit though)

A similar situation happened with the Todorokis, the only major difference is that Shoto wanted to be with Katsumi.

(Back to the Yagis)

The death of Izuku was hard on them all. Izumi would barely talk now, mainly just one word answers or none at all. Inko had stopped smiling completely. However Toshinori seemed to come out of it the worst, he wouldn't be able to sleep correctly as he would have his father berate insult him like he use to. He would show him all the instances where he could have done more but chose not to.

The only thing that would slightly lift his spirits would be hero work. So that's what he went and did. He started work by chasing around a slime villain that had stolen a woman's purse.

(Back to the date)

Izuku and Stella have been out for a while now and Izuku decided to go buy Stella something without her knowing.

But he would soon regret that decision.

Once he returned from the jewellery store he went to look for Stella. But he couldn't find her. That is until he heard an explosion in the distance.

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