Chapter 1

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In this world 98% of the population has some form of special ability called a quirk. Naturally this leaves the 2% to be 'quirkless', however this small percentage is mainly the elderly. The population of the quirkless used to be much higher but as quirks became more common the lack of a quirk would reduce you to being less than human. Leading to suicide for many of them.

Stories about super powered heroes are usually expected to start with an incredibly gifted child envied by many. But ours begins with the 'scum' of society the quirkless. It begins with the horrible past of Izuku Dragneel A.K.A Izuku Yagi.

(I don't know whether I will change the style but if I do I might change this chapter but I'll only change it depending on feedback)

This was the day that our protagonists life would change from living in a dream to living in a nightmare. It was the day where one word would rip away his happiness for years , where one nine letter word would change the course of his life.


Inko: Okay okay, just please stop jumping up and down on us

Izuku: Sorry, we just can't wait to see what our quirks will be!

Izumi: Yeah me and Izu want to get our quirks and become the greatest heroes.

Inko: okay but first you're going to have to eat breakfast. After all you can't become a great hero on an empty stomach.

Izuku&Izumi: Okay mommy

The two children begin to race each other down the stairs, and into the kitchen.

Inko: Toshi Toshi

Toshinori: *groans*


Toshinori: *falls out of bed*  okay okay I'm awake now

Inko: Good, we have to get ready soon the kids are going to the doctor today. Plus I'm sure they would prefer it if you were awake when they try and tell you what their quirks are.

Toshinori: I'm not gonna argue with that Inko. But what are we gonna do if one or both of them are quirkless.

Inko: It's okay I'm sure that won't happen. We have nothing to worry about.

(Time skip you the doctors office)

Doctor Tsubasa: I have some good news and some bad news. Which do you want first.

Both kids look intently at the doctor hoping he wouldn't say what they think he will.

Inko: The bad news first please

Doctor Tsubasa: well it seems your son Izuku will not develop a quirk.

Izuku drops his allmight figure to the ground, with shock visible on his face.

Inko: Oh.... Anyway the good news

Doctor Tsubasa: Your daughter on the other hand will get a powerful mix of both her parents quirks. She'll be able to manipulate objects and make them float using a green energy that is visible to others.

Izumi: wow mommy did you hear that I can be a great hero!

Inko: Yeah! You could be the greatest hero ever!

Doctor Tsubasa: Hold on I wasn't finished. *Jesus the sheer amount of times I get interrupted in a day. Can't I get a break*

Inko: Oh sorry. Carry on.

Doctor Tsubasa: the energy that Izumi can use will also have the ability to increase her strength and speed. However if she uses it too much he will get incredibly tired. But if she goes too far over her limit she may fall into a coma for a couple months.

Izuku Yagi - The Dragon SlayerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora