Chapter 2

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(Yagi household - 3 hours after the beating)

Izuku unlocks the door, alerting his parents of him coming home.

Inko: What took you so long?

Izuku:*doesn't she see what I look like, I am covered in burn marks and bruises* Oh I was accidentally got lost on the way home.

Toshinori: It better not happen again

Izuku nods and walks towards the kitchen in the hopes of finding something to eat.
But he finds there is nothing there.He wonders if they even bothered to make him anything in the first place

With that sad revelation he decides to go to bed and hope for a better day tomorrow.

Izuku wakes up to the smell of bacon and pancakes.

Izuku:*It looks like yesterday really was just bad luck* (oh boy was he wrong)

After nearly sprinting downstairs, to partake in the delicious food. He sees only three places set at the table and the rest of his family already eating.


He notices the time and realises that if he's going to eat it's going to have to be something small and quick. An apple will do. So that's what he eats, an apple.

(Time skip to break/recess what ever you fucking call it)

Izuku sees that there is a new person he hadn't seen before. So he thought that he should introduce himself.

Izuku: Hi, my names Izuku Yagi what's yours?

???: My names Ochako Uraraka, what's your quirk?

Izuku: I- I don't have one

Ochako: That's okay I don't mind, we can still play anyway.

This instantly makes Izuku feel better about his problem. So he decides to agree.

(Time skip 2 Years later)

Our little protagonist is now 6 years old and his situation has only grown worse.
He had to learn how to cook so that he could eat, as Inko and Toshinori 'forgot' to make him food. But that isn't the worst part as his only 'friend' Uraraka abandoned him after she begun to take part in the beatings. She would make him weightless and drop him from several meters in the air.

But Izuku has a little secret. He has been training since the first day he was announced quirkless. Every day he would do 50 push-ups, sit-ups, squats and a 2km run. This would increase over time but for now that's all he does.

Izuku still has the determination to become a hero much too the disappointment of his previous friends.

(School break/recess)

Izuku is just sat under a tree minding his own business until he is rudely interrupted

Izumi: Hey Deku

Izuku: What do you want?

Katsuki: We just wanted to see how the worthless runt is doing?

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