Chapter 7

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After the great tragedy that was Mineta's expulsion (haha, not really the piece of shit deserves a death sentence). The rest of the class returned to home room for introductions.

I'm only doing the fairy tail groups and Yagi's group.

Izuku: Hello my name is Izuku Dragneel, my quirk is called fire dragon slayer. I enjoy spending time with my girlfriend and daughter, eating, my friends and my real family. My dislikes are: fake friends, disgusting flames and my biological family.

Stella: My name is Stella Vermillion, my quirk is lævateinn. I enjoy spending time with my daughter and boyfriend, my friends and family. My dislikes are perverts and izuku's biological family.

Erza: My name's Erza Scarlet, my quirk is requip. I enjoy cake and beating the life out of Izuku and Gray when they get out of hand. My dislikes are someone destroying my cake

Gray: My name is Gray Fullbuster, my quirk is ice make. I enjoy the cold. My dislikes are warm things and Izuku.

Izuku: What did you say you damn ice princess!

Gray: Shut it retard!

Erza then slaps them both into a wall

Juvia: My name is Juvia Lockser, my quirk is water manipulation. I enjoy being near Gray. My dislikes are people getting too close to Gray and people hurting Gray.

Kirishima: Hey Izuku?

Izuku: Yeah

Kirishima: Why do you hate your birth parents?

Izuku: I'd rather not talk about that with you guys yet.

Mina: Aww, come on Izuku you've got us interested now

Izuku: I said no, not until I can trust you all completely

Izumi: Anyways, my name is Izumi Yagi, my quirk is called energy manipulation. My goal for being a hero is helping the quirkless in honour of my brother who passed away a little while ago. I don't like people who bully the weak.

Izuku: *I'm pretty sure 90% was a lie*

Katsuki: My name is Katsuki Fuckin' Bakugo, and you better remember it cause I'm gonna be the next no.1 hero

Katsumi: My name is Katsumi Bakugo, my quirk is explosion. I want help avenge my child hood friend who died. I don't like bullies.

Shouka: I'm Shouka Todoroki, my quirk is half hot half cold. I also want to help Honour Izumi's brother. I don't like cold soba.

Shoto: Shoto Todoroki. My quirk is half hot half cold. I like cold soba and don't like warm soba.

(That's it for the introductions, sorry that they got short towards the end It just got tedious).

Time skip 4 days later - home room

Izuku is sat to the side of Stella, and there's a little desk in between them for Eri. She mainly just sits there colouring.

Allmight: I am here! Entering the door like a normal person!

Inko(Green Telek): With me! His wife!

Class(apart from fairy tail group): Woah! It's Allmight and Green Telek!

Eri:*low voice so only Izuku and Stella can hear* Mama, Papa they're too loud, it hurts.

Izuku: Everyone SHUT UP! You're hurting Eri's ears.

The class immediately felt regret as they looked at the small child, who was nearly crying.

Allmight: Excuse me, but why is there a child here. Shouldn't she be with her parents?

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