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it has been a week since the start of the school. looks like I am popular now. we were returning form school and we were going to train with allmight. well mostly izumi. I was there just to sit around and talk with them about life. I saw allmight sitting on a fridge while izumi is trying to pull both of them.

izumi: "c-can you please get down you are like what 150 kg?!"

allmight: "oh that is really rude young lady."

izumi: "I am sorry but this is heavy."

she then collapsed.

izuku: "I cannot see this going anywhere. is there a better way for us to do this?"

allmight: "I need her to be as fit as possible for before I give her OFA. we have 10 months before U.A entrance exam so I need her to do this for that 10 months. "

izuku: "am I suppose to just sit here."

allmight: "you can join us too. you and I can talk while she continues her workout."

izuku: "alright. "

then I started to talk with allmight while izumi was working her ass out. then out of nowhere I got a call from nezumi."

izuku: "yes nezumi?"

nezumi: "hello izuku are you free today?"

izuku: "I am talking with allmight while izumi is training so I guess I am."

nezumi: "good I need you to come with me to somewhere."

izuku: "where?"

nezumi: "you can just come to U.A and we can head to the destination. and can you give the phone to allmight?"

izuku: "sure."

allmight: "what is it?"

izuku: "she wants to talk to you."

I waited their conversation to end until I saw allmight sweat and had a worried face.

allmight: "are you sure about this nezumi?"

nezumi: "........."

allmight: "very well."

she then closed the phone.

allmight: "alright you need to go find her."

izuku: "alright I see you later."

I released my wings and head to U.A I was so fast that I think I broke the sound barrier.

third POW:

allmight: "and there he goes. I am going to ask him to give me some quirks."

izumi: "where is he going allmight?"

allmight: "oh well.........nezumi asked him to use his bioforge ability again........"

izumi: "on who?"

allmight: "well........."

are you ok allmight you are sweating!"

allmight: "........nezumi will take him to tartarus too take the quirks of some of the villains there."

izumi: "......WHAAAT?!"

allmight: "well if things go smoothly, we might get a few new quirks."

nezumi is using his powers a lot."

allmight: "knowing her, more like abusing them. lets just hope for the best."

30 minutes later izuku's POW:

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