a family unit.

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couple of weeks passed after the arrangement. the harem is officially formed and we were living in a different house. momo asked her family to supply me with as much biomass as they can along with the government. izumi explained them one for all. they were all amazed that allmight had such a quirk but understood that why it had to be kept secret. even yukiko took it well. and she even asked izumi to have it for a moment just to mess with her mother more.

izuku: "now I can help you with the quirks. but first I need to take it one at a time from you. warning, it is kinda painful but I have a healing quirk that can ease it. who wants to go first?"

hitomi: "I am first is it ok?"

yukiko: "sure go for it."

momo: "I can go last."

izuku: "alright. come here hitomi."

I grabbed her face and pulled her quirk out of her. she winced in pain but then relaxed.

izuku: "so your quirk needs a dialoge to activate. if I needed to activate it, I had to make you answer my question."

hitomi: "yes. because of that people never really talked to me in school."

izumi: "honestly I kinda understand how you feel hitomi."

thanks izumi.

izuku: "now yukiko your turn."

momo: "do you need to upgrade 1 quirk at a time or you can just do them at once?

izuku: "I can take all 3 of yours for the absorption process. then I can upgrade it one by one."

yukiko: 'alright then it is my turn."

I took her quirk. she took it better since endeavor's training did had some benefits. 

izuku: "looks like that bitch's training did paid off a little."

yukiko: "maybe a little."

izuku: "maybe. momo now it is your turn."

her reaction was the same as hitomi.

hitomi: "yeah it hurst like a bitch."

izuku: "now all 3 of you have amazing powers. I already told what hitomi can do. but momo and yukiko are really powerful."

himiko: "which one is better?"

izuku: "I say momo has the best quirk. for me at least. it is amazing for support, while yukiko's quirk is amazing for long range and offense. now yukiko........your quirk has a heat limit in both sides. if you go above or below any certain heat your body will either freeze or burn. looks like if you only use your fire, you will burn and you will freeze of you only use your ice."

yukiko: "yes. that is exactly why that bitch wanted me to be born."

izuku: "yes. the most basic things I can do to your quirk is
1) I can increase the overheating limit and decreasing the freezing limit. 
2) you can only use both elements form different sides of your body, I can change it and make you be able to use both elements from both sides.
3) I can change your fire to blue fire to make it more powerful, and I can change the ice in a way that it may not be cold. if you are wondering how? there are types of ice that isnt cold."

she looked at me completely amazed and shocked.

yukiko: "you can do all that to my quirk?"

izumi: "and those are only the basics?"

izuku: "yes they are the basics. or more accurately say that these are the only things I can do without adding other quirks to its nature."

yukiko: "basically that is how much you can evolve my quirk without mixing it with other quirks."

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