Hallowed be his name

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Guns...lots of guns- Keanu Reeves in John Wick Chapter 3 and The Matrix

Earth M-Omega/Texas, unspecified location

Killing Stella and returning back home was far faster than Wolf realized. Still, it was well received by Lilith, even by Charlie, who disagreed with the need to kill someone of such importance regardless of marital status. Wolf will have to deal with that once he crosses that bridge... because he, Petal, Krash, Samus, and his father had other things to worry about...

Including how the hell were they going to get to Heaven without dying...

"How the hell are we gonna get to Heaven without dying?" Wolf asked everyone, having the same thoughts as the narrator...

Wolf's question was answered once The Slayer directed his and everyone else's attention to a feather. At first, it glowed a soft yellow light before it slowly dissipated, with its shining remains floating to the sky. The Slayer then had Samus cover her eyes, signally to Krash to do the same as Wolf made sure Petal followed suit, which he did by blocking her sight with his hand as he looked up.

When he did, the skies soon started to change and emit a similar glow to the feather, with this one being more vibrant and blinding. Once Wolf's vision started to tolerate the rays of light blasting into his optics, the skies seemingly started to crack...Both his and his father's head tilted to the side in mild bewilderment at this. The cracks started to increase in speed and quantity before eventually, something fully broke through, speaking to the party on the ground...

Audiulbly, there was nothing to make out, as it sounded like the voices of a multitude of multiple dolphins and whales singing a single note, but Wolf could tell what the figure was trying to say to his soul...

"Be nOt AfRaId" 

The only problem is...

This was generally the most terrifying thing Wolf has ever and probably will ever see

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This was generally the most terrifying thing Wolf has ever and probably will ever see. 

Not even his hallucinations could hold a candle to this horror, everything that could be happening was happening, from the eyes blinking only for the eyelids to be in fact other eyes, to the feather changing shape and properties to...paper with Hebrew text inscribed into it? Like the original copy of the first testament? Thinking about it while staring was making Wolf very dizzy...

Gladly, The Slayer managed to stop his son from fainting, putting his hand on Wolf's chest and changing his focus to his father. Once he could tell Wolf calmed down, he pointed to the figure again...which has changed shape into something different...something much more palatable to normal mortal eyes, but still outwardly and beautiful...

something much more palatable to normal mortal eyes, but still outwardly and beautiful

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