Chaotic Neutral

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Humanity is the sin of God- Theodore Parker, American Theologian

En Route to Earth M40K

Krash tapped away at her computer as the sound of surging energy screamed throughout her mobile laboratory. 

After...orally helping Wolf cool down, he requested that she -and Petal, since she's smarter- to test and examine his recent power increase as he believed he reached light speed. It was also a good excuse to warm up as both Wolf and Krash were tasked to enter a tournament by the one who will host them in Earth M40k

While Wolf definitely reached a level of speed that shouldn't be possible for even him, Krash and Petal both deduced that the speed he can go as of right now doesn't seem to be light speed. However, their reasons are different...

Petal thinks her young and brash father is very close to it, but instead of leaving a stream of light behind, Wolf either needs the stream to coat him so he can use it as a propeller or even BE the stream of light. By gathering and absorbing enough energy, Wolf can gain the infinite mass required to move at that speed with minimal or no cost...

Krash thinks it's just straight-up impossible without breaking the universe apart or travelling to another one. The speed of light is the speed limit of the universe, and every ship back in their own world only goes that speed or beyond that to travel through other dimensions, and even that's rare because of the dangers beyond it...

The adults were inclined to believe the little prodigy, but her modesty and desire not to disagree with someone she saw as a family member made her much more open to the latter hypothesis...

Didn't matter though, Wolf had never felt so sure that his overall power had improved by this much. As he stepped out of the mobile lab, Wolf examined himself, looking at his hands... it was almost as if he could feel his energy sway at the slight twitch of his wrist. If this tournament is what Wolf thinks it's like...

 If this tournament is what Wolf thinks it's like

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It could be very boring...which scares him a little

"Bounty huntin' might get really boring soon" he lamented, "At least I got reason to start going to deeper space though, right?"  

"What, you gonna start hunting more aliens now?" Krash asked mockingly

"Yeah, but only big leagues, like frost demons, viltrumites or even see if I can clear out the kytinn...then again, I have been hearing some stuff about these aliens called Twi'leks...I won't kill 'em...but I still oughta shoot my shot, if you catch my drift..."

With Petal rightfully throwing a soft but mean kick to her father's shin, Krash and Wolf laughed at the remark as they headed back to the control room to rendezvous with Samus, who took the role of guide for this universe as she had been in this one three times now. 

Despite making it clear she was no expert, she knew plenty of trivia regarding both the universe in itself, giving them information regarding other races like the tau, eldar and orks, but also the so-called greatest holy grail war that consisted of The Slayer and four"masters" partnered up with several power servants either based on and ripped straight out of the multiverse's history...which had Wolf confused...

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