Chapter 4 They find out

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Snape's POV
"It was Harry..."
I can't believe he would hurt her like that. " What else did he do?"
" He called me a cutter in front of every one and said wait till Sirius and Remus finds out." She let out a shaky breath. How could he do something like that in front of everyone. I knew he is mean but that's over the top.

I going to kill myself what's the point in living at this point if I'm going to get bullied all the time. I'm sitting here is  professor Snape's embrace. I don't know why he likes me or calls me beautiful I'm just a piece of shit if you ask me. Snape is the only person I've ever cried in front of.

Third POV
Y/N sits in Severus embrace for a while till she gets the urge to do it. She rushes to his bathroom and locks the door. She grabs the blade that is in her pocket. She pulls off the bandage. She runs the cold metal against her wrist. The blood drips to the floor. On the other end Severus is about to rip the door off the hinges. " Y/N let me in don't do it as much as you would want to it's not worth it." But it had already happen. "Alohamora"  The door opens to see Y/N sitting on the floor the blood on the tiles.  He rushes over to her side and throws the razor to the over side of the room. He grabs the towels and holds them them to her wrist. " Why Y/N why?" " What's the point in me living I mean once Sirius and Remus find out they are going to hate me they are going to think I'm disgusting." This broke Severus heart hearing her talk about her fathers thinking she is disgusting. He didn't like them but he knew they weren't heartless. " Oh Y/N my poor Y/N they won't think that, they would want to help you." She sobbed into his chest and clutched to his robes. He pulled her up on to his lap and held her close.

Harry's POV
I'm going to send Sirius and Remus an owl. Her secret is come out. She is a bitch, once they hear about her secret then it will be game over for her they will disown her and throw her to the dogs.

Dear Remus and Sirius
Hi how's it going I have some information about Y/N. She has a secret. Her wrist look like barcodes. They are littered in scars. It's disgusting, I hope you find her somewhere else to live she is not coming close to me. She will probably kill herself by the end of the day so then we would be rid of her sorry ass.

Love your favorite child

"Hegewig give this to Sirius and Remus."

Sirius/Remus POV
" Darling there is a letter from Harry come read it with me." Remus shouted from the kitchen. " Coming, but thats strange it's only been a day guess he missed us." Sirius said with a chuckle.
They open the letter. Their eyes filled with tears. Remus drops the letter mortified. He cry's into Sirius chest while Sirius cry's into the nape of Remus neck. " How could she do something like that to herself?" " She always seems happy." They cry for a while before send an owl saying they need to talk to Y/N.

Meanwhile at Hogwarts
Snape's POV
I have Y/N curled up next to me on my bed. She has a death grip on my robes. I put her on the bed before and she asked me to stay or she would do it again. I couldn't let her hurt herself like that so I can and sat with her. It ended up with her crying herself to sleep and sleeping curled up on my chest. She doesn't realize that she has people who love her. Ever since day one that first year, she always caught my eye. I have slowly fell in love with her. I told myself never to love again but I couldn't stop she is thing I need. But now that she hurts herself I need her to know that she has people who love her. I don't know what to do. Once Remus and Sirius find out I don't know what we're going to do. I hear her making sounds as she moves around. She lifts her head and looks into my eyes. " Can I call you Severus?" " Sure darling, how are you doing?" " Fine" I know she isn't fine. I bring her up and swipe my thumb across her cheek getting tears all over my hand. I kiss the top of her head she grabs my chin and brings her lips to mine. I'm shocked for a second and then start to kiss back. I swipe my tongue on the bottom of her lip wanting more I desired more. She gave me access, we fight for dominance. She moans into my mouth. My pants tighten around my growing erection. She straddles me. I know this is wrong but I need to more than anything. A owl hits the window. I look up and see it's from Dumbledore. " Hey Y/N theirs an owl." I speak as she kisses me. "Let it go I want to be here with you I need you." She said she needed me am I really that special?

Dumbledore's Office
Sirius and Remus are pacing in the office. There eyes filled with tears. "How did some one not notice she wasn't okay, how didn't we see she was okay?" Sirius said in a panic voice. " She never showed any signs, Severus is bringing her up as we speak." Dumbledore spoke to the two crying men." Why does that slimy hair git have her, what has he done to her?" Remus said. "He is the only one she trust he's the one that found her and saved her, the one that let her cry on his shoulder. He has been there since no one else was." Said Dumbledore " What about her friends what about them instead of that git?" " She doesn't speak to anyone, she never has Remus." Soon they hear knocking at the door. "Come in" They see Severus and Y/N come in, Y/N has I tight firm grip on his hand. " OMG our baby girl why would you do this to yourself?" Sirius and Remus question her but she still held on his hand, their fingers interlaced. " And you, you slimy greasy haired bat touching my little girl!" Sirius screamed at Severus. Y/N flinched at the screaming and went behind Severus, griping to his cloak. He turned around and held her tight petting her head. Remus and Sirius were shocked first that she had that reaction to him screaming but also how she calmed down when Snape held her. She never did that with them nor cried in front of them it pained them to see her so broken. " Oh come here Y/N" Remus told her. She reluctantly let go him and went to give in to the hug. " Now what are we going to do about the situation?" Dumbledore asked calmly. "We can switch her schedule so she is with me the time so she is safe and I can have an eye out  for her so she doesn't relapse or do worse." We all knew what worse was. " I don't want him near our daughter." Sirius states. Y/N holds on to Severus. " Y/N would you like to tell them why you do what you do?" Severus asked in a voice only Y/N has ever heard. She shakes her head no. " Can I tell them?" He asked. This time it is a yes " She gets bullied by Harry and Draco, she feels like a burden, she cuts to feel better." Remus and Sirius was horrified. She tears up and clutches to Severus robes. It's weird to see her connect with him out of all people. " You know what okay will allow it but if you hurt her we will kill you." Sirius told Severus. " Well that settled, you two may go back to his room and will have the rest of the day off and the other two will go back home." " Actually can we talk to Harry before we leave?" They gave her one last hug and told her to write and don't cut.

Back at Severus Quarters Y/N POV
All I want to do is die this is horrible. I just want to be with Severus. He is out grabbing things from his classroom which means i can either sleep or cut. I'm going with opinion two.

Severus POV
I walk out of my class with different potions for her it's still baffling that she choose someone like me to be with a goddess like her. I don't know how I'm going to make sure she doesn't harm herself. I need her to be around me 24/7. Go to my door and walk in to see her not there I panic. I run to the bathroom seeing it's locked, I open it with a spell. I see her on the floor in the same position as before.  I rush to her side and clean her up again I wonder how many times I will have to do this. I pick up her body and say a spell that changes us both into sleepwear. I put her in the bed to go walk out to the couch but she grabs my wrist and pulls me in. I get under the covers and pull her close. She snuggles into my chest and I give her a kiss which she returned. She whispers "I love you" soon falls asleep in my arms. " I love you too" even if she only said it because she tired.I wonder how tomorrow is going to play out. 

Very long chapter vote and comment. I wonder what will happen.
1686 words

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