Chapter 3 The Questions

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In this story Snape is 30

Snape's POV
I drag her down the hallway. My mind is clouded by the thoughts of someone so beautiful would do this would harm themselves. She trotted next to me as we ascend down the stairs. I glanced at her seeing the tears flowing down her gorgeous face. I stopped.

Third POV

They stop at his quarters he unlocks the door whispering a password to quiet to hear. The door swings open to a dark room filled with books and a fireplace. With a desk and another door, assuming that was his bedroom. He walks into a closet pulling out a ointment and pulls her close. Lifting her sleeves her finds the scars. He looks at her with tear filled eyes it pains his heart to see her like this. He sits her down and pulls out the ointment. "I'm just going to rub this on here to make sure it doesn't get infected." His voice calms her."Okay-yy" she closes her eyes and hissed when it got to her wounds. One he was finished putting on the ointment he wrapped her arms in bandages. He pulled her into his arms once again. She sobbed into his chest." Shush it's okay I've got you." He rocked her back and forth. Soon settling her curled up in his lap as she fell asleep. He stayed awake  for some time, wondering how someone who used to be filled with joy is now falling apart. He kissed the top of her head and drifted off into a light sleep just in case she woke up.

Time skip

I woke up to having bandage on my arms and a strong pair of arms wrapped around me. I look up to find the cold hearted dungeon bat sleeping and I'm on his lap. I play the events of last night in my head. I for one am completely freaking out but also loving that I'm here with him. I have liked him ever since the first year. I drift back to sleep and snuggle into his chest, loving the warmth.

Snape's POV
I stirred awake seeing the small figure in my arms sound asleep. I think about the conversation we are going to have when she wakes up. I'm going to have to watch her any chance I get. I can not let this get worse. I'm horrified of what could happened if this gets worse. I knew her parents before they were killed. I knew them quite well. With us being death eaters. Her parents were M/N and F/N L/N. They were were killed by Lord Voldemort because he thought they were feeding information to the other side. Even though they were pure bloods and were completely loyal he didn't trust them. They told me to take care of the girl and watch over her and to make sure she doesn't go down the same path. I hold her tighter. How much pain she has been through. She starts to wake.

Third POV
Y/N wakes up. " How was your slumber?" Severus ask in his morning voice. Which she thinks is hot as hell. " I'm better thank you for wrapping my cuts. I'm sorry you had to find me you probably have better things to do. Sorry for being a burden." His heart breaks hearing those words. " No no no, your no burden. No reason to thank me, I have some questions about why you would do something like that to you beautiful skin?" She blushes at the complement. " I know this is wrong to say but it's the only way to cope with things..." " What things?" Severus asks as she is still wrapped in his arms, he can't seem to let go. " Oh you know schools work and the bullying..." Oh no she let it slip she will hear it now. " Who would bully someone like you, you are so beautiful and smart." She lets out a sad chuckle. " Why shouldn't people bully me? I mean I probably deserve it I'm a mud blood I don't even know who my real parents are. Also I'm just so ugly no wonder why everyone hates me." She started to tear up finally talking to someone about what she has been holding in helped. On the other had Severus was so angry and upset that someone, that she would say something like that about themselves, to have that little confidence and to have no love and feel like your worth nothing. " You Y/N are no mud blood and you matter you are gorgeous and beautiful you matter and no one hates you. There are people who care for you." He said with his voice breaking up. " Who cares for me, why would someone want to care for me?" " I care for you, your other teachers, Remus and Sirius do." She was shook by his words and dug her face into his robes. He shushed her and pet her hair. He kissed the top of her head and laid his cheek on the top of her head. They sat like that for a while. Until the clock hit eight and classes start in eight thirty. She got up and clutched to a pillow that was on the couch. While Severus was got changed and tried to figure out what to do with her. " Okay Y/N, I will conjure up your books and you will go to your classes but if you start panicking or start felling like cutting or if you get bullied or tormented come straight here okay?" She nodded.  She gave him a quick embrace and said her thank you's. He summoned her books and sent her on her way as they walked down the hall she went up as he went to his classroom.

I get down the hall and I see Harry Potter and his gang. He comes up to me and throws my books on the ground. "What are you doing you ugly bitch?" " Please just let me go!" I  pleaded. " Hey mud blood role up your sleeve's and let us see  your dark mark!" He grabs my sleeves and roles one of them up to find the bandage. I try to have his grip of my wrist come off but it was to strong. "Look what we got here she's got barcodes." I try and grab my books but he slams me to the ground. " We've got a cutter, we've got a cutter!! Wait till Sirius and Remus knows you'll hear it then!!" He screams at the top of his lungs. I rush and grab my books and run to the dungeons. I bolt to Snape's personal quarters. I knock ferociously on the door. To be quickly brought in and the door slams behind me. He sees my sleeves role up and the bruises on them looking like hand marks. He sees the tears coming out of my eyes. "WHO DID THIS?"

To be Continued


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