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Hey, I'm back, so I've had some people tell me to do a Frazel one shot, so here it is. :) Hope you like it. Not edited, sorry.

Frank's POV

I wake up and stretch, and see that everbody is bigger than me.

"Frank, again? Do you need to turn into a pug everytime you go to sleep?" I hear a girl voice say.

I turn around and see Hazel, she sits on my bed and starts petting my head. "Not that I don't enjoy seeing a cute little pug, but I want to see you." She says and I whine. "C'mon Frank, please." She says and I change back into my human form.

"Hi." I say and she smiles, hugging me. "A pug? Really?" I blush as she pokes me. "Why not?" I shrug and she laughs.

Hazel and I fall into a comfortable silencee, until I realize I need to change from my pajamas. "Gotta change, I'll be right back." I say, and press my lips to hers, and pulling away to get dressed. I walk to my bathroom, and change into my purple shirt and jeans. I comb through my hair quickly, and brush my teeth.

Walking out to my bed, I see Hazel laying in my bed. I hold out my hand to her. "C'mon, I want to go somewhere." She narrows her eyes, and studies me. "Where?" And I put my hands on my heart. "Don't you trust me?" Hazel raises an eyebrow.

"Do I have to answer that?" I laugh, and she gets up taking my hand. I lead her to the coliseum, where she asks why we are here.

"Can't a guy take his girlfriend to the coliseum without being questioned?" I ask jokingly, she pretends to think about it. "Well, yeah maybe, if they were normal. But we're not normal and for all I know you could be leading me into the coliseum only to face an angry god or goddess." She defends and I grin by the time she's done.

"Aw darn you caught me, Jupiter is in there right now looking to zap somebody's face off." I joke and she smiles. "Well then, maybe I should go if I want to keep my face." She teases back and I shake my head.

"We're almost there, c'mon." I tug her hand and she follows. I lead her into the coliseum and as soon as she sees what is in the center, she gasps.

Hazel's POV

"You did this for me?" I gasp and he nods nervously. In the middle of the coliseum is a blanket with a basket, which I'm assuming has food in it, and a vase with flowers in it.

"Do you like it?" He asks and I staand there speechless. "Cause, if you don't like it we can go do something else." He starts to rambl, and I stand on my tippytoes annd kiss his cheek. "I love it, thank you Frank."

He smiles and starts leading me to the center. We sit down and enjoy our impromptu date.

<3 <3 <3

Sorry it's short, I'll make the next chapter longer.

Any suggestions for the next chapter? 

Vote if you think this deserves it, Comment if you have anything to say, and Share if you liked it! 

Til next time. :)

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