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This isn't really a HoO one shot but for some odd reason, one of my best friends wanted me to do a Lukexreader chapter, but after a short argument i decided to do a Percyxreader chapter. He still wasn't very happy that I'm not doing a Lukexreader story, but oh well maybe in a few weeks I will. Not edited sorry.

Percy's POV

Y/n walks by laughing with Hazel and I feel a pang. "Percy? You paying attention? Or are you to busy stalking y/n to listen?" Jason asks smirking and I shove him. "I am not stalking her!" I defend and he laughs. "Yeah, just staring at her for 20 minutes." I find myself nodding not really paying attention to what he said.

I quickly realized though and my cheeks redden. "No!" He bursts out laughing and takes off his glasses to wipe his eyes. "You're too easy Percy." I shove him and he falls. "You're too easy Jason." I mock and he stares at me flatly. I help him up and he shakes his head. "Dude, just go ask y/n out, she'll say yes." I cross my arms. "How do you know that?" He shakes his head.

"Just go." he shoves me hard to her and I stumble. I glare at him and he smiles, walking away. "Percy?" Y/n asks and I look at her. "Sorry bout that, Jason pushed me." She laughs gently, as if she has nothing to worry about. "That sounds about right." She says, Hazel hugs her saying that she'll see y/n later and leaves. "What sounds about right?" She looks at me smiling.

"Jason, Piper and I figured that either him or Leo would push you to ask me out." I blink, trying to figure out the message. "I'm not dumb, I knew there had to be a reason for you avoiding me, just wanted to see when you'd stop." Y/n looks down shyly. And I smile sheepishly.

"Well, you see, I've wanted to approach you, but I just kept getting nervous." She laughs and takes my hand. "Why would you get nervous?" Her smiles fades to a kind of sad one. "Or were you hesitating since you just got out the relationship with Annabeth?" Y/n says quietly, looking down. I squeeze her hand comforting her but I can't help the sadden feeling that came from hearing Annabeth's name.

After the war with Gaia, she broke up with me saying that if she needed to grow as an architect and a person, that she needed time to be by herself. So she packed up her bags and left for New Rome. She hasn't been back since, which was a few months ago.

"Y/n, I wasn't hesitating, regardless the whole thing with Annabeth screwed me up a little bit, I honestly was nervous." I reassure and she nods. We walk around and then end up by the lake. "So how long are we going to walk for you to ask me out?" Y/n asks looking straight ahead, smiling.

"W-what?" I stutter and she giggles. Y/n turns to me and before I realize what's happening, she pulls me to her and kisses me. Instinctively I place my hands on her waist and respond. When we pull away to breathe she grins. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"I thought you'd never ask." Y/n says pulling me into another kiss.

Hey guys, sorry for the wait, school's going to be the death of me. I have 2 projects due next week, so that'll be fun to work on. Anyways, hoped you guys liked it.

Vote if you think this deserves it, Comment if you have anything to say and Share if you liked it!

Till next time :)

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