2nd generation (Pt. 2)

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Luke's POV:

"Hey Sil are you ready to go?" I ask knocking on my sister's door. She turns around with her backpack and nods. "Now let's go get your girlfriend."she grins at me while I just get flustered.

"I've told you tons of times, Bea is your best friend and there is nothing going on between us." I say walking down the stairs with her behind me. She ruffles my hair and walks to the kitchen.

"Sure thing Lukey." She mocks me by using the nickname Bea gave me. I follow her to see our parents in the kitchen. "Mom, dad, can you get her to stop with this torture?" I plead and she and my dad share a knowing look as if they know something we don't.

"No can do sonny boy." My dad says chuckling at my displeased expression and so does Silena. "Well then you can find your own ride to school." I huff taking an apple and eating it.

"Now Luke, I'm sure you wouldn't ditch your sister since I set this internship for you at the university." My mom threatens raising an amused eyebrow knowing that I would have to agree.

"That's not fair." I huff throwing my apple away. "You don't do anything to Silena but to me!" I argue. "We've punished your sister plenty of times." My dad interjects rolling his eyes.

"But with something like that?" My dad starts to speak but I cut him off. "And I don't mean by not helping her with anything water related." He stops very quickly and looks at my mom, who just looks at the both of us.

She rolls her eyes and looks at her watch. "Well anyways I have a class to go teach so I'll see my lovely family later. Bye seaweed brain." She quickly kisses my dad and Silena and I look away not wanting to witness that. "Bye wise girl."

I look at the time and see we have to go. "Bye dad, got to go pick Beatrice up." I mumble walking out the door with Silena following behind after saying her goodbyes.

Ever since she and Charlie got together, which the whole making out thing was a little unnecessary but it happened, she's been on cloud 9.

I stay silent on the way to Bea's house still a little annoyed about what happened. "Luke are you okay?" Sil asks quietly and I sigh. "I'm just a little irked but otherwise okay." Before she can say anything we get to Bea's house and I honk the horn so she knows to come out.

Bea quickly comes out and I smile a little at how happy she looks coming to the car. Then Sil pokes me teasingly and I roll my eyes and my smile dims a little. She opens the door and climbs in, sitting behind my seat.

"Hey guys." She greets her Hazel eyes sparkling as we make eye contact in the rearview mirror. "Hey." I greet quietly and as I start driving Bea and Sil start talking. Then soon enough we get to the school and I park in my spot.

We all get out and I lock the car. "Am I needing to give you guys a ride home today?" I ask and they nod after looking at each other. "Okay just meet me here. I'll be about 5-10 minutes." They nod and we split off onto different ways. Me with my friends and then with their friends.

---time skip to end of the school day---

I leave the classroom after talking to my teacher about the extra credit she was offering and then went down the hallway where I saw Bea up against the lockers kissing someone. I clear my throat as I suddenly couldn't breathe right. Then they stop and her eyes widen as they see me.

"Whenever you're ready we'll be at the car." I mumble walking past them not making eye contact with them but rather the floor. I hear mumbling behind me and then footsteps running up to me.

I get pulled by my arm and see Bea there. I can't help but notice her lips and how red they were. But then I realize why they were like that and it was because of someone else. Not me. Breathe. Passing out is not an option right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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