15. Beckham vs Partridge

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I just know they wouldn't be happy to hear that I now supposedly am crushing on Louis Partridge, right after being cheated on by who I thought was my true love. Ugh.

present day

My so called 'crush' on Louis wasn't going to get any better because I had just been told that I will be doing a video for TeenVogue with Louis and Millie on who knows Millie better. Not only would I meet Louis properly, it would all be filmed. Fingers crossed I don't-actually fall for him.

3 days later

Millie sits down first and I am told to sit on the stool beside her while Louis sits on the other side of Millie. "Ok Millie whenever you're ready" the director says from behind the camera. Millie nods and smiles widely, she looks towards the camera and begins to introduce herself, "Hi I'm Millie Bobby Brown and my friends and I are going to play who knows me better". "I'm Ava Beckham, I think I know Millie better than Louis does because we've been best friends for years" I say. "And i'm Louis partridge and after filming Enola Holmes Millie and I spent a long time together, so I think I know her better". "Anddd cut" The director says, "great job guys" I hear a woman say while clapping.

We move on to the next clip where we play the game. Louis and I are handed small whiteboards and a marker. "It's on Avey" He says smiling, I just smile back at him. Gosh he's so cute. "Ok now ready when you are" The director says.

"The first question is, how many siblings do I have and what place am I out of my siblings?" Millie says chuckling leaning forward in her chair. I am quick to write down my answer on our whiteboards because there is a time limit. "Okay, let's see who got this right. 3,2,1" Millie says. "I put 3 siblings and you are third born" I say proudly. "And I put 2 siblings because I forgot about your older sister, I only remembered Charlie and Ava" Louis cried. "Ohhh, well Avey got that one" Millie says and fist pumps me. "Yass" I whisper before rubbing off the marker on my whiteboard.

"Question two, how old was I when I started filming Season Three of Stranger Things" Millie said rubbing her hands together in excitement, "This is a tricky one guys" She says peeking at our answers. "Ok, 3..2..1". We show our boards to the camera and then to Millie. I wrote 15 and Louis wrote 12 "I honestly had no idea on this one" Louis chuckles. "Twelve?" Millie screams. I laugh at her reaction, "I don't know it was a fair estimate" Louis says. "But it was season three, season three Louis." Millie replied shaking her head. "The answer is.. 15" Millie says gesturing at me, "Ava gets another point!". "Yayyy, i'm doing so well" I say. "You are, no fair Avaaa" Louis cries. "We're only onto the third round now, we never know you might pass me soon!" I say reassuring the baby he is. He laughs, "I hope sooo"

"Question three, an easy one.. when is my birthday?" Millie asks. "Easy" I chuckle before writing it down while Louis sits and thinks. He then writes down his answer and Millie counts down. We flip our boards showing Millie, I wrote 19th of February 2004 and so did Louis. "You're both correct! Louis's first point" Millie exclaims. "Yayy Lou" I say smiling at him before leaning over to give him a high five.

After doing 7 more questions the score was 9 to 6 and I ended up winning. Millie still had another interview to film for the company so Louis and I were dismissed. After walking out of the studio we filmed in into the waiting room to get my things I sat on the couch to contact my dad to pick me up. Louis came and sat down next to me. "Need a ride home?" He asks. "Oh- I-" I begin, "It's fine I can drive you" He says. "Great, thanks" I say smiling. We leave the building and Louis takes us to his car. He opens the passenger door for me, "Oh thanks Lou" I say surprised. "No problem" He replies sweetly. "You know, you actually don't live that far from me" Louis says as he turns on the car. "Huh, how come you know where I live?" I ask. He laughs, "Your brother Romeo.. i've never come in but i've been there before." "Ah- I see. So you're not just some stalker then" I say. "Whattt, how did you know I stalked your instagram before filming and meeting you today" Louis asks. "I didn't, I was kidding- you did what?" I say laughing. Louis laughs too, "Nothinggg" he says.

The rest of the ride we talked and got to know each other. It was only about 20 minutes until we reached my house. "Thanks for the ride Louis, I appreciate it." I said turning to look at him. "Hey anytime. We should really hangout more" Louis says. "Yeah we should." I reply. Louis stares into my eyes and it's silent for a few seconds. "Oh hey-ah, can I have your number?" Louis asks breaking the silence. "Yeah of course" I say taking his phone and putting it in. Ava💞
"Great, thanks" He says. "You're welcome, I better get going" I say. "Oh right yeah of course, I hope to see you again soon" He says. "Yeah, text me and we can make plans" I say. "Will do, bye-bye" He says smiling. Why's he so cute. "Byeee" I reply before getting out of his car. When I reach the front door he starts to drive away, waving at me before leaving. This guy!

one week later

I got home afterschool and today was the day I could watch the interview and game with Millie and Louis. I instantly went upstairs to my bedroom to watch it on Youtube. After watching the video I felt joy remembering how much fun it was to film. I started to read the comments to see others thoughts.

mileven011: Ava and Louis are too cute I ship them so much       301👍🏻

strangerthingsedits: Why are Louis and Ava so cute like tf MILLIE GET THEM TO DATE ALREADY       721 👍🏻

beckhamfamfan: The way that Ava kept reassuring Louis rather than being mean and competitive like awww she's so sweet to him 1,472 👍🏻 8 👎🏻

moon1ight: If your boyfriend looks like Louis he's not your boyfriend he's Ava's 🤣😆
1,009 👍🏻 29 👎🏻

I kept seeing comments about me and Louis and it made me happy knowing there were people who shipped us, but I wasn't sure that Louis was worth trying to be with. I mean, I don't like him as more than just friends, right?


authors note:

happy new year everyone i wish everyone happiness and health during 2021! let's make this a great year :)

i'm trying to upload a new chapter weekly, so atleast once a week. sorry for being inactive recently i'm trying my best xox

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