9. NYC

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Cruz didn't see any of her confession and although our parents made sure she didn't come back, unknowingly Cruz still talks to her

"Please stop talking to her Cruz" I beg. "Why does it matter so much to you all, seriously just leave me alone" he says and closes his suite cutting us off.

present day

Cruz, while being his rebellious self has been banned from talking to Jenna. My parents took the matter into their own hands as Cruz was being completely black mailed and it was putting him and and our family in danger. I hope he learns from his mistake.

After an amazing holiday with my family it's time to return to a set and start a new projectThis is my first lead role in a Netflix show and i'm so excited for it. Filming is taking place in New York, I love New York City so much, i'll be happy to move here like Brooklyn did one day. I'm working alongside Jack Dylan Grazer in this show and we are the two main characters involved in the show. Jack and I are already great friends, but I know doing this project will make our bond even stronger.


After arriving in New York City and settling into the hotel we catch the subway into New York City to do some exploring. Jacks mum comes with us and my mum stays behind to catch up on business enquirers.

 Jacks mum comes with us and my mum stays behind to catch up on business enquirers

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Jack and I have a great day together exploring NYC. We went to Central Park, Times Square and visited the Friends apartment building. We're both huge Friends fans! It has been such a fun day bring spontaneous and free before we start filming.


Today is our first day of filming the Netflix original series.

809,742 likes@jackdgrazer: spending a whole two months with this cool kid

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@jackdgrazer: spending a whole two months with this cool kid

beckhamfamfan: Y'all aren't sick of each other?
>avabeckham: not yet..

avabeckham: love you
> jackdgrazer: Love you beyond words Ave

romeobeckham: cute

beckhamgir1s: just go out already! #java

filmsgrazer: A duo I never thought I needed

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We have been filming the show for nearly 2 months now and i'm having so much fun. I love New York and my new school situation . Jack and I are the same year in school but we do different classes, we do school work in the school trailer often at the same time which is always fun. Our tutor is so nice!

My calltime is 6am this morning, i'll have to leave my apartment at 5am to get to set on time. I'm extremely tired but excited to continue filming and doing school today.

I get to the set, go to my trailer drop of my bag and go to the hair and makeup trailer. Jack is there and we talk for a bit while the people get prepared to do our hair and makeup for us.

@jackdgrazer tagged you in story*

Jack posted me at 6am before hair and makeup

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Jack posted me at 6am before hair and makeup.

When I get home I catch up on school work because we didn't get enough done in the trailer today. "Mum" I yell. "Yes?" she replies, "can you help me with math" I ask. "I'm busy right now sorry but maybe in an hour or so" she says "oh maybe i'll just go to Jacks then" I say. "That's a great idea" she replies. I text Jack


Ava: hey, can i come over I need help with math

Jack: sure <3

Ava: sys

Jack: yay ❤️

"ok mum i'm leaving now" I say. "Ok bye, love you" she says. "love you too". I close the apartment door. Jack is in the same apartment building as me but on a different floor. I take the stairs down and walk to his apartment


authors note:
sorry it's taken so long to update, I hope I can update soon I have a few more chapters almost ready to be published!
please comment how you want the story to go or any ideas for me :)

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