20. The wrong goodbye

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previously: "I need you to understand something, none of this is your fault."


Whenever you say goodbye to someone before you leave for a period of time, you still expect to see that person when you get back. I knew I would miss her, but I never expected that I would have to.

I still don't understand it, when I was told the situation I was in complete disbelief. It plays over and over in my head. When I arrive in London and my family is at the airport waiting for me I know they'll know what to say.

Mumsy❤️: I'll see you soon Ave we're at the airport already, Brooklyn too. Stay strong xxx

I don't reply, instead I sigh. With an hour still left on this plane, it is the last place I want to be right now.

I walk through the airport with the hood of my hoodie up and my head down while flashes of camera's is all I can see. We walked for what felt like hours but had only been a minute or two. The ground begins to fade with tears falling from my eyes my vision goes blurry. I hear a familiar voice yell my name. It is all muddled, it could possibly be the paparazzi. "Avaaa" I hear again. I decide to look up and a few steps ahead are my family. I run into the open arms of my family and begin to shed more tears then I thought was possible. We hug in silence in the middle of the airport accompanied by flashes from camera's.

I'm home. I'm finally home.

With all the paparazzi footage from the airport, I was advised to update on my social media.

avabeckham: i've flown home from my projects in Los Angeles to spend time with my family and i'm going to be taking time off

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avabeckham: i've flown home from my projects in Los Angeles to spend time with my family and i'm going to be taking time off. I am at such a loss of words I have never experienced such a heart break in my entire lifetime. I miss you so much Kyla, fly high my angel ❤️

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Now that thats been done I can be with my family and their love and support.

Chapter end

Authors note:

Ok so, you're not going to find out how Kyla died until the next chapter and even then I didn't really want to directly address it but it is revealed. I also am getting close to finishing this story with lots more positive stuff set in the future to do more with the Beckham's!

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