3. Boy trouble

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When we got home I went into mums office, "Mum, is it ok if a friend comes over. We have a history project and we want to get ahead" I say while walking to sit down on her navy blue velvet couch. "Yeah of course, just make sure you change out of your uniform" She says. "Ok, I will" I cheer and I skip out of her office.

I went into Romeo's bedroom but I couldn't find him. I went into Cruz's room and Cruz was playing xbox. "Cruzie where's Romeo?" I asked peeping threw the half open door.
"I think he's at tennis" he replied but didn't take his eyes off the tv screen.
"this early?" I ask
"He's just in the backyard, not actual tennis training" he says
"Ohh ok"

I found Romeo in the backyard tennis court.
"hey Rome" I yell down to the court
he looks over at me
"Ava, hey"
"So, Sams coming over in half and hour, I ah was just wondering if you could distract mum and dad while he comes in until he gets to my bedroom." he looks up at me confused. "It would just be easier, dad will get annoying and if mum sees she'll tell dad."I explain.
"I'll try my best" he says before smiling at me.
"thank you, thank you" I squeal
he laughs and carries on practicing.

*ding dong*
I open the door.
"Hi Ava!" Sam says enthusiastically
"hey Sam" I chuckle, "cmon in"
We walk up the stairs to my bedroom. I see Harper playing with her dolls in her bedroom across from mine. "Ava will you play with me?" She cries.
"Sorry Harper, I've got to do a history assignment, another time " I say.
"aw ok" she says pretending to be disappointed.
"Harper Seven, it's time for a tickle war!" I run into her room and start to tickle her, she rolls on the ground laughing and trying to push my hands away.
"ok, ok, ok... stop" she says in between laughs.
I laugh and walk back into my bedroom.
"So, where were we?" I ask, Sam laughs looking around my room.
"It's just, well I mean it's nothing." he says
"Oh ok, are you sure?" I ask him sitting on my bed. He nods his head but doesn't say anything.

{1 Hour later}

"You're being quiet Sam are you okay?" I ask looking over at him. He looks back at me before replying .
"Ok look, I really like you Ava. It's just.." he pauses."What Sam? Please tell me"
"I don't want people to think i'm using you" he says looking up from his laptop.
"What do you mean? Sam."
"You know what it's nothing. I shouldn't have come here." He says starting to pack up his things.
"No Sam wait, what do you mean?" I ask.
He continues to pack up.
"Ava, I could never fit into your family." He yells.
I just look at him, shocked.
"What? I'm not asking you to fit in Sam. I thought we were just doing history"
He stands up. "Goodbye Ava"

chapter end

{A.N: Sooooo this chapter (if not this whole story) is really bad. Umm, but should I make Ava and Sam be together or should she have a different love interest? Comment suggestions please! ❤️❤️}

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