18. Happiest with you

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Well- I. I really like you Ava and I wanted to know if you wanted to be my girlfriend" He confesses nervously.

"Of course!" I say excitedly jumping up and down.

"Come here you goofball" He says while laughing before wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me.

Present day:

Louis and I have been dating for three months now and I feel so happy. Compared to my last relationship my feelings are different towards him. I know that our relationship is genuine and we share the same feelings.

Today I have an important audition for a new movie. I'm able to do it from London but the filming will take place in Los Angeles. I snap Louis back with the photo above and get up and ready for the day. I get changed and wash my face before leaving my bedroom.

"Oh hey Ave, I'm gonna post that photo you took of Harper and I" Romeo says from the couch as I walk down the stairs. "Ok" I reply.


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romeobeckham: Harp and I in Ava's wardrobe 😂

brooklynbeckham: this pic is cute! nice  😻

> avabeckham: thanks B

bestbeckhams: OMG the content we all wanteddd everyone say thank you Ava

> cruzdavidbestboybeckham: Thank you Ava 👏🏼

> beckhamgirls: Thank you Ava


cruzbeckham: Never smiley are you Ro

> romeobeckham: Nah

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The audition is in an hour but it'll take around 40 minutes to drive there. I get in the car and mum drives us to central London. I realise that because of my busy schedule between Louis, auditions and school I am overdue an instagram post.

I decided to post this. Although Louis and I are keeping our relationship on the down low for now, we don't want to feel like we have to keep it a secret. I add in a cheeky caption and post it.

 I add in a cheeky caption and post it

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avabeckham: lou taught me how to play ukelele

louispartridge: Sure did

b3ckamgirls: not them exposing their relationship 😆

cruzzzy: I shippp

brooklynbeckham: Oi my hat
>avabeckham: mine now

I get a message from Louis


Lou: Good luck for your audition bub xx

Ava: Thanks Lou, im so nervous!

Lou: Don't be Ave, you're gonna kill it!

Ava: Aww I hope so, I'll try my best :))

Lou: Thats my girl! Go get it ❤️

For the rest of the drive I read over the script and calm my nerves by talking it out with my mum. If I land this role it will be the biggest part I've ever had in a movie. If I could get this role I would be overjoyed!

Since the audition is self-taped I can start when I want. My agency set up this audition for me to do so that I don't have to fly out to Los Angeles.

After a few takes we're highly satisfied with the final audition and I leave the rest up to my agency to handle. It shouldn't be too long to hear back from a casting agent but in the meantime I have to patiently wait for the news.

I text my friend Kyla and see if she wants to hangout, I feel like being distracted right now. She agrees and I get dropped off at her house. "Heyyy" Kyla says. "Heyy" I reply and pull her in for a hug. She takes my hand and drags me upstairs, "I wanna show you something". When we get to her room she hands me a few polaroid pictures of her and a guy. "Oh my gosh, is that Rocco?" I ask surprised. "Yes! We went out last night, I was going to tell you but I didn't want to distract you from your audition" She yelps. We scream together and jump around like clowns.

As I sit in Kyla's car my phone buzzes, it's Louis. Kyla looks at me as my face lights up, "Check it then Ave" She says chuckling. "But it's Ava and Kyla time..my time with you" I reply. "But you guys are like a couple couple now" Kyla says. "What do you mean by that?" I ask laughing. "I mean the Louis and Ava Partridge type of couple. If you guys don't get married I don't know if I can believe in love anymore." I laugh at her response but decide still not to reply, instead I put my phone down and turn up the music as we begin to drive off.

A week later

I walk into health class and see Kyla sitting with Rocco, she waves at me and stops talking to him to pull me in for a hug. I sit down at my desk next to hers and get out my books.

Afterschool Louis had texted me saying he's going to come and hangout tonight. We hadn't had anything else planned other than going out for a drive, his company was enough for me anyways. Louis and I go to different schools and live on different sides of London, we don't get to see each other often.

We sat on the picnic blanket by the water and looked over at the city lights. The cold night gave us even more reason to be drawn closer to each other to feel each others warmth. BANG! An explosion of colourful lines appears in the sky amongst the stars. They light up his face like a perfect photography. I felt it. That feeling when you want to capture a moment and stay in it because you know that you'll miss it when it's over. In Louis' arms, wrapped in a blanket and watching the fireworks. It occurred to me that both of us were just 16 and 17 years old with acting careers leading us to fame. Everyone around us knowing our names and being able to talk about our personal lives or photograph us for the internet. But we're still just two teenagers in love. This moment encouraged me to slow down with life and my career. Maybe acting had been turning into more of a way to make my own name for myself rather than the whole of England knowing me because of my highly successful parents.

On the ride home Louis was gripped onto my hand as we drove through the dark night sky. The stars looked like spilt silver glitter as they were scattered through the earth's roof. As we got closer to my home my heart sank a little more knowing I would be leaving Louis for another week or so.

The next morning I was in the kitchen making breakfast before school when my phone began to ring.

"Hello?" I say. "Hello ma'am, is this Ava Beckham." The voice asks. "Yes" I say. "I'm Emilee from Netflix US, I'm calling to deliver the news that you have landed the role you auditioned for last week"

Chapter end


14/03/21. Authors note: I spent a lot of time on specifically the ending of this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it. Look forward to the next chapter as I have a lot more coming.

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