Chapter 30 (Jun Megumi)

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Chapter 30 (Jun Megumi)

I had no idea who the girl with blue hair was and when I said asked her who she was she looked hurt, of course she knew me. She called me by my name, my first name none the less. We stared at each other for a minute maybe two before she spoke again. "Jun, that isn't funny," she stated. Does she think I'm joking? Or is she just trying to deny it?

"I don't know who you are," I clarified regaining my strength, but desperately wanting water. I saw it on the nightstand and I reached over to grab it, it was in that instant of seeing the IV in my arm that I realized I was in a hospital. Why am I here? Did something happen to me? Is that why I don't know her?

"I'll... be right back," the girl said and then she walked out of the room as I finally took a drink of water. My head was killing me. I brought my hand up to it and felt a bandage. A head injury. Then the girl came back in with someone who looked like a doctor.

"Can you tell me your name?" he asked as he moved to the foot of my bed picking up my chart.

"Yes, Jun Megumi," I replied.

"How old are you?" he asked and I opened my mouth to answer, but I wasn't sure. I couldn't think of a definitive number or any number.

"I... don't know," I replied.

"Do you know your family's names?" he asked and the girl looked at me, I could see the plea in her eyes, she was pleading for me to know.

"I...Iris and... Har... Haru," I replied having to think really hard. He wrote something down.

"And your sister?" the doctor asked.

"Sister?" I asked in return.

"Miss Megumi, what year is it?" he asked me not bothering to answer my question, but finally looking me in the eyes. But like with my age, I didn't know the year. I shook my head. "Do you know this girl?" He pointed to the girl and I shook my head a tear rolling down my face. I wasn't sure why I was crying, but once it started I couldn't stop. The girl came over to me and placed her hand on mine, it was oddly comforting, but I didn't stop crying.

"It's okay Jun," she whispered and I wiped away my tears, feeling just a little better.

"Miss Rei," the doctor said and they both left. I watched them talk in hushed tones just outside my door. Rei... The girl came back in without the doctor and she sat down next to me.

"Your memory is gone Jun, though you're smart enough to figure that out," she said and I nodded. "He doesn't know how bad it is or when it'll come back. We won't force memories on you, we're going to start with names and go from there. Also your mother is coming here as soon as she can. Okay?"

"Okay," I mumbled. Suddenly there was a bunch of noise and a huge group of guys and a girl walked in, all shouting my name. There was a guy with blond hair that had a fedora on, he asked why Rei (I was assuming that was her name) didn't call him to tell him that I was awake. They all kept asking me if I was okay. Rei ushered them out of the room and then I heard her quiet voice carrying over the small crowd, probably explaining to them what was wrong. They all came back in, the guy with the fedora seemed depressed almost and I heard whispered voices telling him it was going to be okay.

"So I'm going to start. Jun, my name is Akiko Rei," the girl said and then people piped up with their names. None of them seemed familiar and they all seemed hurt by me not knowing who they are.

"Nothing Jun? Nothing at all?" the blond with glasses... Natsuki, I think, asked.

"No," I replied quietly.

"Don't worry, you're stubborn you'll get your memories back," I think it was Ittoki who said that.

"Excuse me, this many people are not allowed in the room at the same time, some of you will have to leave," a nurse popped in and said. Everyone left except Rei and... Syo, that was his name.

"Jun, do you really not remembering anything?" Syo asked. I bit my bottom lip trying to use the names and faces to bring up any memory, but nothing was clear. I shook my head.

"Can't you all tell me something?" I asked.

"Basics Syo," Rei muttered. "You know what to leave out." He seemed hurt, like he wanted to tell me something, but Rei wouldn't let him. I wanted to know.

"You're seventeen," Syo said.

"You're part of our band with Ryuu, you write the lyrics and are the lead singer," Rei added.

"I'm part of the group STARISH," Syo contiuned.

"What happened to me?" I asked interrupting their information. Syo glanced at Rei, she looked at him and then at me.

"You... You were hit by a car, that's all I can say," she said.

"Oh god, Jun," my mom came in and said.

"Mom," I said and I saw a flash of hurt in both Rei's and Syo's eyes as they saw me recognizing my mom. She ran over to me and hugged me.

"I'm so glad you're okay," she said and I felt her wet, hot tears rolling onto my skin and I held her.

"Not fully," I replied and she pulled back.

"She's lost some of her memory, we aren't sure how bad it is, but she seems to only remember you and Mr. Megumi," Rei said.

"Then it's a good thing I left Nori at home," my mom stated.

"Nori?" I asked and I saw a tear glisten in my mom's eyes.

"Jun, you're really close to your younger sister," Rei commented. If I'm so close to her then why can't I remember her? If the rest of these people mean something to me, how come I have no idea who they are? The others left leaving Syo and Rei. So how close am I to them? Why can't I remember them? Why am I sad that I can't remember them? I started to cry again and my mom pulled me into another hug and I felt a hand on my head, but this hand didn't feel like Rei's, no her hand was on my shoulder, the hand on my head must've belonged to Syo.

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