Chapter 25 (Akiko Rei)

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Chapter 25 (Akiko Rei)

"Okay, okay. Let's see..." I let out a breath and smiled. I played a few measures of a song and I could tell the boys were frustrated. I stopped. "That's all you get." I informed them.

"Ah! You gave us like two lines!" Ian complained and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"That's more than enough." I replied.

"At least play it again." Tucker requested. I played it once more.

"Ah! I know this, I know this..." Ian moaned, rubbing his head.

"Tip of your tongue?" I teased.

"It's... Gahh!!!" Ian moaned again and I laughed.

"Hey Rei, what's going on?" I looked at Ittoki and smiled.

"It's a game we played in America. I play a couple lines to a song and they take turns figuring out what song it is. It's to waste time more than anything." I explained.

"Got it! Let It Go, from Frozen." Ian finally declared confidently and I laughed.

"Got it." I confirmed.

"Wow that took him forever." Nathan commented.

I shrugged and turned to Ittoki. "Care to give it a go?" I asked.

"Sure." He sat down and I thought over what songs I could do. I smiled and started playing. Ittoki laughed. "Seriously?" He asked and I laughed too. "Maji Love 1000%." He said.

"That's it." I answered.

"Ittoki, we've got to go!" I heard Syo call. Ittoki sighed and stood.

"Looks like that's all the time I've got to waste. Maybe we can play again later?" He asked and I nodded.

"Sure." I agreed. He started to run off then slammed to a stop and turned with a smile on his face.

"Promise?" He asked and I laughed.

"Promise!" I shouted back and he ran off.

"What was that?" Tucker asked.

I looked at them. "What was what?" I asked.

They shared a knowing smile. "Oh, I got it." Ian said.

Nathan grabbed my arms and pulled me back to the house. "Nat... Nathan, what...?" I started to ask. He ignored me as he pulled me to his room. He let go of me and started pulling clothes from his suitcase, making a mess of them all over the floor.

"Here it is." He finally pulled out an outfit. "Put that on." He ordered.

"But Nathan, what..." I asked.

"Just do it." He said. I sighed and changed as he looked through another box. It was a cute outfit, a short jean skirt, button up long sleeved top, and black thigh-high socks. Nathan put a necklace on me, then a dash of makeup, before finally putting on a pair of cowboy boots on my feet.

"Perfect." Nathan said. I looked at myself in the mirror then looked at him.

"So, other than 'just because you wanted to', what reason do you have for dressing me up like this?" I asked him.

He just smiled and let Ian and Tucker in. Ian whistled. "Cute." He said.

"Good job as always, Nathan." Tucker said and Nathan glowed.

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