Chapter 6 (Jun Megumi)

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Chapter 6 (Jun Megumi)

I crashed on to the floor after my long day of shooting. "Come on get up." Syo said.

"Can't move." I replied. Every single one of my muscles were sore, I had been shooting the movie with Syo for the past four days.

"Come on, it's worse if you lie down." he said as he held out his hand. I took it and he pulled me to my feet. "The bright side is that there is no shooting for the rest of the week."

"Really?" I asked.

"I have some things I have to do with STARISH, so we can't shoot." He replied.

"Yes! I get to rest!" I said happily.

"No, now you get to work on your singing and dancing." He replied.

"Come on Syo, can't I just rest for a week?" I asked.

"Fine." He replied.

"You should listen to your mentor and practice your dancing and singing." Hyuuga came up and said.

"A week people, that is all I ask for." I replied and Hyuuga handed me a letter. "What is this?" I asked.

"Read it." He replied. I opened it up and read the letter.

"What does it say?" Syo asked.

"There's an audition for those who haven't debuted yet... if I do well enough I can debut!" I said happily. "What should I sing?"

"But you must have an original." Hyuuga added and I deflated.

"I can't write songs, I've never been able to." I said quietly.

"Hyuuga can't we make an exception?" Syo asked.

"No exceptions, if she does not sing an original song she will not debut and a person who has already debuted cannot assist you." He replied. I was seriously doomed. Syo and I went back to the house after that, he tried to comfort me, but there was very little that he could do. I went up to my room as soon as we got there, I saw the other members of STARISH while walking, but I ignored them all.

When I got to my room I sat down at my desk and then my phone rang. "Hello?" I asked as I answered the call.

"Hey Jun." my sister replied.

"Hey Hana." I greeted.

"How are things there?" she asked.

"I have the chance to debut, but I have to have an original song, but I have none." I replied.

"Don't you have some songs that your friend left?"

"I can't use those songs, it would be weird and wrong without her."

"Do you have much of a choice? Besides, you need time to practice songs, a lot of it and you've gone over those songs a million times; she would want you to use them."

"Not without her. Those are our songs, meant to be performed together."

"Is that why you quit back then?"

"They were horrible."

"And you felt weird without her there. You can't do that with Shining Agency, Jun, you have to keep going even if she's not there with you."

"I know."

"Then pick a song and sing it. You're really good Jun, it's time people know it." She hung up. I sighed as I leaned back in the chair. My eyes drifted over to the notebook with our songs. I opened it and looked over the songs that were in there. I landed on the one that I just finished a few days before.

"Jun?" Natsuki asked hesitantly. I turned to see him and the rest of STARISH.

"You okay?" Syo asked.

"Perfect." I smiled as I held the song in my hands. "I'll need some help from you guys to get me ready for this."

"We'll be glad to help." Ittoki relied.

It was the day. It was the time for the audition. I was freaking out.

"Jun Megumi, it's your turn!" Ringo came out and said. I took a deep breath before following her. She stayed back stage as I walked forward. In the crowd was STARISH, Quartet Night, and the others who had already gone.

"My name is Jun Megumi and I will be singing a song that my friend and I wrote a long time ago." I said into the microphone. I held it tightly and then something hit me. I had no one to play alongside me. I had Ittoki practice with me, but he couldn't help me here. I started to freak out a bit.

"Need a hand?" The girl from the Master's Program climbed up on stage and asked. I had seen her a few times around.

"That would be awesome, here's the song," I said as I handed her the papers and I could see the slightest of smiles grow on her face. I saw her walk over to a guitar case and pulled her guitar out, it looked like Rei's.

She started to play the intro and I turned away from her and took a deep breath. I heard my cue and I started to sing and after only a few notes I was completely comfortable. I looked behind me and saw that the girl was playing almost the exact same way Rei did, and she barely ever looked at the music.

I turned back around and kept singing and when the song was over I was kind of sad. I heard a roar of applause. "Thank you." I said as I gave a small bow and so did the girl who helped me and then we both left the stage after she put her guitar away.

"Thanks for the help." I said as I held out my hand.

"Anytime, it was fun." she replied as she shook it. In her other hand I saw a guitar pick, but I would recognize that guitar pick anywhere. It was Rei's guitar pick, she would never give it to anyone because her brother gave it to her.

A composer. Her parent's want her to write and perform classical. Helping me. The guitar. The pick. Not looking at the music. She didn't have to look at the music because she wrote the music.

"Rei, how could I have not seen it before?" I said to my old friend.

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