Chapter 5 (Akiko Rei)

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Chapter 5 (Akiko Rei)

Looking in the mirror I touched my cheek and grudgingly reached for my makeup kit. It only had the basics: a base, a light blush, lip gloss (not stick), eye shadow (a couple different colors in mostly blues and blacks), and mascara. I quickly put on a base to cover up my pale skin. 

"I must have gotten sick after Ittoki and I fell into the pond." I thought. "Right before my concert too." I thought, then realized maybe I could get out of it using that excuse. Only to remember I was forced to play with a 101°F fever two years ago.

"Brilliant." I muttered. I stood, slipping my makeup kit into my bag in case I needed it later, and headed down to grab something to eat before I had to go. Everyone else was already up, I could hear them chatting from down the hall. 

Just as I went through the doorway someone else came out and we bumped into each other. It was a girl, only a little taller than me, and for a moment I was frozen in shock. "Long black hair... dark purple eyes... a silver necklace with a heart-topped key and wings on the left... Jun?!" I noticed everything and came to the only conclusion I could within a moment. 

Within that moment though Jun had already muttered "sorry" and continued on without paying much attention to me. I refused to look at her retreating back, my own tight with the effort. Instead I called "sorry" back and quickly ducked inside the cafeteria. Most of STARISH was at the table, but Ittoki was missing. I grabbed a piece of toast and walked over to them.

"Where's Ittoki?" I asked.

"Oh, Rei, good morning." Natsuki said brightly. I smiled at him.

"Sleep well, little bell?" Ren asked.

"Perfectly fine." I answered.

"Oh, Ittoki hasn't come down yet." Syo answered me as the others appeared to have forgotten my question.

"Is that so? That's unusual isn't it? I'll go check on him." I said, shoving the last bite of toast into my mouth. I walked to Ittoki's room and only paused outside the door. I took a breath and knocked.

"Come in." It was Ittoki but his voice sounded scratchy.

I slipped inside, only opening the door enough to enter and closing it behind me. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked. Ittoki sat up on his bed and smiled at me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said.

"You don't look fine." I told him plainly. He really didn't: he was pale but his cheeks were red like he was running a fever and his expression was half asleep.

"I'm not perfect, but I'll be fine. Is it time to go?" He asked as he got up.

"No, breakfast." I said, catching his arm as he swayed a little. "And you are not fine!" I scolded as I pushed him back into bed. I pulled the covers up and tucked him tightly in. "Stay. You're sick." I said. I got up and Ittoki grabbed my hand.

"You're leaving?" He asked worriedly. 

I smiled softly and touched his hand. "I'll be back. You go to sleep." I ordered as I quickly slipped out. I ran downstairs and into the dining area. 

"Okay, you weren't doing anything important today were you?" I breathlessly asked STARISH the moment I got into the room. 

They looked at each other. "Nothing we can't make up, why?" Ichinose asked. 

I took a deep breath and let it out quickly. "Good. 'Cause Ittoki's sick." I announced.

"What?" Several people asked shocked. 

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